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Drug and Harvest Buyers


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The Drug and Harvest buyers should be combined into 1 single NPC that should be called the "Herb Buyer" or something along those lines and it should have a menu like the general buyer that only accepts the shipments for Opium, Cocaine, Weed, Olive, and Food, and the prices should be listed at the top instead of in chat... this way, players don't have to worry about other players stealing their shipments or money.

There should also be a timer for when the prices change (or if they change every reset idk)

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I would like this as long as the money didn't drop, I think it should go right into your wallet, its hard enough getting processed drugs into that buyer.


That was the plan with how I said it should be like the General Buyer, meaning that you could put the shipments from your inventory into the GUI of the NPC and the money would go straight to your wallet after you sell.

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