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Banned for being white(don't waist time reading staff)

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I was banned for racism.


As a white man I thought it would be fun to play the stereotypical rich white male and play bloods on your server. I commanded many rich white makes to shoot the blue people , those "blue people" may or may not have been cops. it was a spur of the moment typa deal and just sorta happened. while this was happening i held an accent of a stereotypical hard rich white male, even when the trial owner teleported and jailed all rich white males and banned me from your server for the above reasons. I feel as though I was a rightful ban. I held the role of leader of the rich white males even when i was jailed and interogated by your trial owner. I don't know if any of the other bloods got banned because i was the first to go. if a 74 year old white man can't spout dirty ****** because of racism, even when he's playing a role, then we should keep My dad  from being in any more movies and ban the ones SHE did already.


sorry for reading my post.

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