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Master Stalker Improvement


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Make it so people being stalked by Master Stalker can't suicide, makes the job kinda useless if people just suicide to get out of being stalked. Also, put a message like "An unsettling presence is watching you" or something so they know the fucked up vision is because they're being stalked


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, but they don't know they're getting stalked, so they won't know it's actually RP. I mean, you just get hit with a fucked up screen effect and you're confused and you try to make it go away so you kys.

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If they suicide while being affected by the stalker effect to avoid it its failrp. Maybe just making it so that even if they die the person can still be stalked and after some time (maybe like 5-10 minutes) you get a new target automatically unless you stalk the person to death

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