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50 warns

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If you got 50 warns, you got 50 chances to stop breaking rules. It means that you had 50 (more probably including bans) chances to just play like a normal person, and you didn't ever do that. Someone who gets 50 warns doesn't deserve to play on the server.


You yourself even said "for the first time" which insinuates that there is a readily obtainable second time, which would be the permanent ban. This also means they would have broken 15 more rules to get back to 50, hindering other people's experience 15 more times. Of course maybe not everyone would do this but if someone has 50 warns then it is MORE likely they are going to continue breaking rules, they've already gone through a week ban, a two week ban, and a month ban, and didn't stop.

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I think people who get 50 warns are exceedingly dumb for having so many chances to read the MOTD but choosing not to.

These warns do not include verbal warnings, mutes, gags, kicks, and bans.

You have the chance to appeal any warn you get after receiving it if it is false.


Please note that people who gets warns ARE, by default, banned several times.



If you're heckin dumb enough to get warned, you're gonna get the slap down.


15 warns - 1 week ban

25 warns - 2 week ban

35 warns - 1 month ban

50 warns - Perma ban

- MOTD, https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4

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