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Police checkpoints

North Bear

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At the moment a cop, according to the rules, is allowed to build a checkpoint wherever, stop anybody passing through, randomly cuff, randomly search and more. "Do what you gotta do". Without any knowledge of the mayor or the player a cop can build one because it simply doesnt state it in the rules. You need no textscreens to indicate the checkpoint or its rules. Today I got arrested for doing nothing, just passing through with keys in hand and having some cc weaponry on me. The cop in question even requested a law for the checkpoint but it didnt get added. I made a sit about the ordeal but still the cop in question was not breaking any rules as far as the rules go though it was anoying as heck to be cuffed whenever you wanted to pass through, not even getting a chance while you dont oppose a threat and not even a chance to get a license.


Please adjust the rules so that an officer has to request a checkpoint law to be able to make checkpoints.

Please adjust the rules so that a checkpoint needs an indication of being one and the rules that attached to said checkpoint.

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I don't know about people cuffing before but when I have a checkpoint I weapon check and if there are guns while they do not have a license I cuff/chase and proceed. If you are rping as a thief and do not have a license you are responsible for your guns, even if you are a cc. A checkpoint imo is pretty self explanatory, You check people passing through for illegal guns.


The laws I asked for are laws above the normal illegal gun laws but usually if there is a mayor they will add laws to make it super clear to ignorant people. http://prntscr.com/kbv0u3


What is it exactly you want changed? mandatory textscreens? Laws being required to have a checkpoint? Cc's being above regular illegal activities?

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Also some police checkpoints are just prop block as they're building for 30 minutes with no entrance other then turning around to the other tunnel just to buy armor or to see another checkpoint


This i agree with. When I was building my wall dupes I did the doors and corridors last but its hard to make something like that without someone etting annoyed and I don't see a solution for people who will build their checkpoint without vip duping. Just if you're trying to make a checkpoint make sure people could walk through it while you're building imo so its not a huge propblock

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What is it exactly you want changed? mandatory textscreens? Laws being required to have a checkpoint? Cc's being above regular illegal activities?





Please adjust the rules so that an officer has to request a checkpoint law to be able to make checkpoints.

Please adjust the rules so that a checkpoint needs an indication of being one and the rules that attached to said checkpoint.


Where have I stated that cc's should be above laws and or rules. It should be made clear that cops should obey their mayor and it should be clear that its a checkpoint and it has rules.

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"It should be made clear that cops should obey their mayor"

Mayors can fire cops at any time for any reason.


"it should be clear that its a checkpoint and it has rules."

You can't figure out the big wall or fences or barricades filled with CP in the middle of the road is a checkpoint and that you might get arrested for running through it?

I will see about adding a rule for text screens, but there comes a point where you can't be spoonfed this stuff.

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You're implying that I am too dumb to see that its a checkpoint when all it was was a big wall infront of pd with one officer waiting for everyone to pass through insta cuffing them.

Also how should a person know what rules are bound to said checkpoint when there is no indication of it at all. Insta cuff + weapon check + arrest without posing as a threat since you have some weapons on you but not out at all and not even getting a chance to buy a license is a bit iffy aint it. I would like to see a textscreen/law that indicate its checkpoint rules.

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You're implying that I am too dumb to see that its a checkpoint when all it was was a big wall infront of pd


I am not implying. I am saying you are dumb to not see a giant wall blocking the entire road. If you are talking about the checkpoint Piklas built, the checkpoint in question went all the way up to the sky and covered the entirety of the road and sidewalk and required you to go in through a fading door, go down a hallway, turn around, go down another hallway, and then exit through another fading door, all the meanwhile CP are weapon checking you.

Every single other checkpoint I have seen literally involves barricades or fences, things used in real life police checkpoints.


Also how should a person know what rules are bound to said checkpoint when there is no indication of it at all.

By using critical thinking. I believe this was on a worksheet in fourth grade.


without posing as a threat since you have some weapons on you but not out at all and not even getting a chance to buy a license is a bit iffy aint it

You have the choice to not have weapons on you. The mayor is not required to sell you a license. You can walk around the other way. You can raid the checkpoint. You have several options of recourse, but you made the choice to try to give Walter a headache on the forums. Nothing is "iffy" but your intentions.


I will discuss it with the staff team and add a text screen rule.

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