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RDM Arena


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Make it so there is some sort of value to playing the RDM arena, currently it costs a ton to play because you have to buy usually 3 different ammo types and sometimes a lot of an ammo type (minigun, shit like that), I was thinking that for playing you should get some sort of money. Maybe each kill you get like 50-200$ and if you win you get like 5k

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I actaully really really really like the winning you get money idea because this makes it even more fun. This will also help new players make some cash(if they are good) without being afraid of getting raided. 




EDIT: I also like getting kills = some sort of cash. As long as this doesn't make you ALOT of money then it's balanced/fun/helpful.

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or just make it drop you 1000 ammo along with the weapon



Also I do think more ammo needs to be added to the guns because I have had this problem several times also. If you run out of ammo you kinda just sit there and spam buy ammo($120 each). It also makes you not be able to play, basically.

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