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[Serious] My large list of suggestions


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This is kind of a large project, but making 

  • Headshots do critical damage
  • Shooting at the feet or legs could make the character limp making it harder for them to flee in battle / chase
  • Shooting at other body parts do x.
  • Buff Event reward prize's slightly. Starting an event without a token makes these about worthless 90% of the time. Especially VIP Events buying it with 1m and winning is just a big no, because 20% of the time they either instaspawn and die in a hotspot, or teleport into a roof of a building - then we must have staff tp them out randomly.
  • Optimizing the CC Editor to be more user friendly, and not so laggy would be nice.
  • Fishing while sitting down please? Maybe by letting us collect it with another bind somehow. It would be nice an embrace the spirit of fishing! Which everyone loves to do every once in a while.
  • Fix Stats (pls)
  • Make titles / badges / some kind of way to show achievements for doing certain things. Such as Fishing 300,000 Fish / Mine 300,000 Rocks / Win 100 Events / Kill 35,000 people in the RDM Arena
  • Fix party system or rework it. It's extremely buggy. Mostly the little portraits of the party members.

I encourage discussion highly and want to know what you guys think about each suggestion!

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This is kind of a large project, but making 

  • Headshots do critical damage
    - Already do increased damage, its significant enough as is.
  • Shooting at the feet or legs could make the character limp making it harder for them to flee in battle / chase
  • Shooting at other body parts do x.
    - lame, gets rid of the current combat system which is enjoyable for ppl who are skilled, new crosshair system balanced combat.
  • Buff Event reward prize's slightly. Starting an event without a token makes these about worthless 90% of the time. Especially VIP Events buying it with 1m and winning is just a big no, because 20% of the time they either instaspawn and die in a hotspot, or teleport into a roof of a building - then we must have staff tp them out randomly.
    - Not sure how I feel about this because I'm not really a fan of events.
  • Optimizing the CC Editor to be more user friendly, and not so laggy would be nice.
    - CC editor is fine in my opinion but could use a minor rework
  • Fishing while sitting down please? Maybe by letting us collect it with another bind somehow. It would be nice an embrace the spirit of fishing! Which everyone loves to do every once in a while.
    - Would really love this.
  • Fix Stats (pls)
    - Agree 100%, would love to see my kdr lol
  • Make titles / badges / some kind of way to show achievements for doing certain things. Such as Fishing 300,000 Fish / Mine 300,000 Rocks / Win 100 Events / Kill 35,000 people in the RDM Arena
    - I think this would be very awesome if you get some sort of reward, maybe 50 sugabucks or something per milestone 100/1000/5000/10000/15000/25000/35000/50000/75000 and so forth
  • Fix party system or rework it. It's extremely buggy. Mostly the little portraits of the party members.

      - Never have had a major problem with the party system, I think its fine


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I don’t like the damage with body parts/limping... firstly there are small models and it would be weird for that. Second would be unmounted models and third would be last time we had this.... oh boy the damage was messed up.


Rest is +1(please add fishing while sitting down) ADDED

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  • Headshots do critical damage
    Locational Damage Is a Decent Idea in concept but then people are gonna question how they went from 125 Health and 100 armor to Dead in about 3 seconds and start claiming some weapons are broken.
  • Shooting at the feet or legs could make the character limp making it harder for them to flee in battle / chase
  • Shooting at other body parts do x.
    Locational damage again can make or break an entire firefight, People can literally minge around and shoot you in the legs with Dual Elites from afar and you cant catch up cause you're now being slowed for no reason. Huge -1 
  • Buff Event reward prize's slightly. Starting an event without a token makes these about worthless 90% of the time. Especially VIP Events buying it with 1m and winning is just a big no, because 20% of the time they either instaspawn and die in a hotspot, or teleport into a roof of a building - then we must have staff tp them out randomly.
    The Rewards are Fine, They could also potentially use a nerf as getting 5m because you already have VIP is abit busterino. + theres no incentive to becoming VIP since you're labeled with a Giant Red Dot on your screen and told to "Survive and good luck" when you have 6 people hunting you with a death wish. 
  • Optimizing the CC Editor to be more user friendly, and not so laggy would be nice.
    Cant Really Say -1 to this as its just optimizing but alot more clarity and a visual update can work out.
  • Fishing while sitting down please? Maybe by letting us collect it with another bind somehow. It would be nice an embrace the spirit of fishing! Which everyone loves to do every once in a while.
    Fishing System needs to be cleaned up before you start implementing 70 different ways to fish.
  • Fix Stats (pls)
    Not A Suggestion, Make a Bug/QoL report on it as it is broken, Adding things like Hours Played This Week and other random stats.
  • Make titles / badges / some kind of way to show achievements for doing certain things. Such as Fishing 300,000 Fish / Mine 300,000 Rocks / Win 100 Events / Kill 35,000 people in the RDM Arena
    Other than displaying them as a giant fuck off sign above your screen or potentially offering rewards for said achievements is probably the ways you're going to have to address this as.
  • Fix party system or rework it. It's extremely buggy. Mostly the little portraits of the party members.

The party system can use potential changes such as Better notification of who's in your party and when someone joins your party.

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Damage modifications would work fine if things worked completely fine in a server like this. Most model are mounted to the server which means they have proper hitboxes but that doesn't mean that all models have actually good hitboxes (such as the doge or police dog). The solution is to replace the models that have bad hitboxes but then you have a new problem when its people's custom models that you have to swap. That would take a LOT of effort to pin point every single model which has broken hitboxes and then removing the old ones, putting in the new ones, updating all of that data on the cc editor, ect. Then you would have ANOTHER problem where some models are flat out not mounted on the server which would lead to those models being unfair advantages. Then you would have another problem of it being more resource intensive (by a small amount) to process that data. To limp and ect would be a good chunk and overall it's just not worth the hassle for a small realism effect which I don't think most people would enjoy. You do take x2 the damage on headshots though


Fishing is in while sitting down, its been in the server for the past few days


Starting an event without a token should be a risk because if you win you get the token back (or a token if you spent 1 mil) + the reward. Its more of a gamble for another streak.


The editor will be laggy if you're browsing the permissions of the editor but nothing else. The reason is because you have to load each model and weapon and what not when hovering over the item which takes time to do on your first time reading that data. I could make it so you cache the data which isn't too much of an issue.


Stats can work. I think I stopped recording kills and deaths but your time played is still there.


Achievements are cool but they are for something later. We used to have a system with achievements but no one used it or strived for it and it was a big letdown.


What is buggy about the party system? You're gonna have to be more specific

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