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New Bear


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Hi guys.


I just wanted to say I’m sorry. Like honestly, I didn’t mean to be a push-over, minge, or just a plain old annoying person.


After I was demoted. I didn’t take it well. I apologize if i may have taken my anger out on anyone.


So many of you came to cheer me up and help me.


I also am aware that I am not the most liked on the server. Understandable. I have a pretty annoying voice and I post threads about every kind thing I do.


What a stupid thing.


Starting today, I am going to be a new Bear


No more posting like crazy, no more flaunting my cc, no more insane advertised donations, no more mingeing (I am removing clowns bike horn from my custom class), and more.


I am really sorry if I made any bad blood with you guys.


I have a hard time making friends and being accepted into the community and the immaturity I have shown was by itself a valid reason for demotion


I am actually embarrassed by my actions and I hope I can be given another chance. I am aware that I cannot change the past,

But it’s the future that matters.


I now understand that this is NOT the way to be accepted into the community.


I am starting to take on passive RP which is actually going great. If anybody wants to play w me just dm me on discord.


Also, no more of that micspam unless it’s good music. 



Thanks for reading guys. I really hope I prove myself to this server. I’m not as immature as you may think I am :)

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I never really had any problems with you just heard stuff but I like you and I don’t mind if you hit me with the 


Clown horn it’s just a game I do f take is seriously like some people but. You have my respect you see that’s you where not being liked in the server and you WNAT to be better :)


Don’t stop being who you are just don’t be a mingle only be a mingle with the people you know won’t take it up the ass and your friends

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Don't worry about it


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It's like a reality show of puberty happening!

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