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Tips for getting sits accepted


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I appreciate all your guy's tips, and I added in the ones I think that'd be most helpful. If you want to add any more feel free to PM me or post a reply.


~ Jonathan


apparently my tip is not useful even tho its literally a rule and one of the biggest reasons people complain because they are ignorant of that

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I appreciate all your guy's tips, and I added in the ones I think that'd be most helpful. If you want to add any more feel free to PM me or post a reply.


~ Jonathan


apparently my tip is not useful even tho its literally a rule and one of the biggest reasons people complain because they are ignorant of that


Sadly, I think we know that this rule will never be followed. Unless we ignore every singe RDM case.

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Actually being patient and if a sit isnt being accepted you just be polite and re-report it in 3-5 minutes and be respectful at all times, irregardless of the situation at hand, you dont need to spam chat saying why isnt your sit being accepted. we look at maybe a max of 4-5 sits at a time on our screen and I personally dont just immediately jump onto the train of Accept the sit and finish it as soon as possible. 


Usually if its a single case of rdm intentions matter. 


If the dude just walked up and shot you. Ask him and if he doesnt respond then you call a sit. 




If the dude is someone you've "interacted" with in the past and they came off as hostile then you might want to mention that in the report.  (Might more likely lead to a warn/punishment depending on how the user responds.)


If someone just decided one day to log on and to be a dick and just start shooting you for no reason then you report it without questioning. If you think someone might be planning to Mass RDM, Please do mention that as It will save us time in questioning. If they are caught too early they might back pedal and go "Oh no I wasn't going to do that" as we have no direct evidence of them doing something as such. 


Usually watch the killers camera after you've been randomly killed to watch their actions, use the time watching to also write a report as his next actions can prove weather his intentions were to minge or out of hate.

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In all honesty, I don't think users would listen to this all that much since they don't care, but it's nice to put out an effort.


  • Don't spam OOC, Advert, or admin chat
  • Don't be rude while making a sit request
  • Make your request detailed on what happened (name, what happened, etc)
  • Don't call sits every 5 minutes for every little thing. It will eventually get annoying for staff
  • Don't make it short, low detailed or just having nothing to do with the sit at all ("admin to me, admin halp, you admins do nothing even though I didnt make a sit before but Im just assuming it, etc)
  • Be nice towards the staff and players so you don't get yourself in trouble
  • Don't take things into your own hands
  • Don't abuse a votekick / voteban if you're VIP. Staff are on, don't use it when staff are on at all / don't abuse it

There is more but I don't wanna make a story on it.

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In all honesty, I don't think users would listen to this all that much since they don't care, but it's nice to put out an effort.


  • Don't spam OOC, Advert, or admin chat
  • Don't be rude while making a sit request
  • Make your request detailed on what happened (name, what happened, etc)
  • Don't call sits every 5 minutes for every little thing. It will eventually get annoying for staff
  • Don't make it short, low detailed or just having nothing to do with the sit at all ("admin to me, admin halp, you admins do nothing even though I didnt make a sit before but Im just assuming it, etc)
  • Be nice towards the staff and players so you don't get yourself in trouble
  • Don't take things into your own hands
  • Don't abuse a votekick / voteban if you're VIP. Staff are on, don't use it when staff are on at all / don't abuse it

There is more but I don't wanna make a story on it.


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I don't think that's what she meant but nice meme. She's probably talking about someone like [insert name here], you know? that one person who every staff member knows and finds obnoxious for the same reason? Being annoyed doesn't mean their cases don't get taken. if you think none of you annoy us whyntya cash me ousside hoe?

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