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Reason why I have been gone

{GN} Isaac

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So the reason why I didn’t make a app about this wasn’t cuz I did not think I would be gone for this long and I did not want to bring my personal life into this but I want to give  valid reasons


So you guys don’t think I JSUT left 

The reason why I’ve been inactive is one of my family members died and we where in San Diego for quite some time and I JSUT came back 2 days ago and been taking a break from games and yeah 


I’m not going to go all in deatil but I came back on and I was lost my rank so I expect the full punishment for not making this a while ago but I really couldn’t cuz going through shit but i hope you Guys 

Can see this and give it to me but yeah

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Sorry about your loss, things happen, no need to worry if you have to leave for a bit, take your time to reestablish yourself mentally, I don't know who they were to you, but just know that's how it has to be sometimes, nothing can change that, find the time to learn how to accept it, or you'll never move on with youurself, trust me I know, but your pain may be greater, depends on the connection, well good to have ya back at least

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