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Perk / Talent - Discussion / Suggestions / Changes


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Right now there are a few inherently must have talents. Everything else is.. Ok? It's just not good. Let's think of ways to make them better / on par with the most picked talents. What do you think are the best talents to pick from and why? Would you pick a different talent if it was slightly better?


Perks / Talents will be rated as the following based on usefulness: Best, Good, Ok, Bad, Worst. 


All Purpose Talents 



Quick Sell - Sell to general buyer from inventory (Best) - Super convenient for anyone - especially to people who are basing with procs.


Pimp My Ride - Vehicles have 3x more health and drive 1.25x faster (Worst) - It's the worst because vehicles aren't in the game. They will be added again at some point. When they are, this is a GOOD talent.


Legacy Picker - Chances of being selected for a legacy job is increased (Bad) - If the legacy jobs were more exciting, this could be better. How much is it increased by? The only legacy job we want is santa. Alternatively, have legacy jobs give you more gang xp then normal - since it is rare-ish to become one.


A Pretty Penny - 5 extra sugar dollars on earning them from gang XP (Ok) - It's alright. Needs more sugar dollars to be added, or change the talent to "Higher chance to earn sugar dollars when getting gang xp".


Nice Guy - Buy VIP for someone for 3 mil instead of 5 (Ok) - It's cool for helping your friends. That's about it. If there was a way to regain some portion of the money back / some other benefit, it'd be great.


Fish Master - Your fish is always more rare (Best) - With fishing being a source of good income now, this is an extremely good talent that anyone can use.


Thief Spec



Extra Bullet - 10% chance to not use a bullet (Ok) - Good for weapons with a large magazine as they will see the most use. Would like to see something like "The lower the ammo you have, the higher chance it is".


Blood Sucker - Bullets have a chance to restore 2 hp on a hit (Worst) - 2 HP is extremely low HP gain and what is the chance %? The amount you gain needs to be higher for it to be any good.


Precious Life - When you drop below 30 hp you are brought back up to 100 health - 5 min cooldown (Good) - Great talent for weapons with low damage. Anything that does high amounts of damage negates this perk (Sniper riflers, shotguns, etc). Can be reworked to "Any lethal damage restores HP to 100" to make this a great talent.


2 Is better then one - More people in a gang around you while picklocking decreases picklocking time (Ok) - This requires coordination. Realistically, someone would use a breach charge and blow it up. Would rather see something like "Master Criminal - Pickpocketing, Hacking, and Picklocking time is reduced by 35%" - More useable.


Force Mug - When you mug a CC player, they will drop the cash (Bad) - This is alright.. The mugging cooldown is too long and the amount you can mug for is too low for this to be effective. Change it to "Mugging a CC player drops 1% of their cash (or a higher amount of cash dropped, you get the idea). 


Force Drop - Mugging a cc makes them drop an item when mugged 30 min cd (ok) - This is around Ok-Good, really depends on who you are mugging. If you know who you are mugging has a stack of blow torches, then it's good. I'd rather the cooldown increased by a lot, but make the cooldown PER person, so if you mug Piklas, you can't get another drop from him for 3 hours, etc.


Police Spec



Experienced Cop - Cuffing is instant now (Best) - Nothing to say here. It's great. With the cooldown on cuffing added, this is relatively balanced.


Persuasive Fine - People attempt to pay their bounty if it's under 750 (Ok) - I'm on the fence between ok and good. You get XP from this if they pay the bounty. I'd like to see it raised to 1000.


I Basically Live Here - Return to PD, 5 Min CD (Good) - Great for when you get kidnapped, pd raid, etc. This is just a good talent.


Free One - Spawn with a free sledge hammer (Ok) - Considering police have battering rams which are more effective.. This is ok. It would be great if it was under the thief spec. (I don't know if this applies to CP only or any job)


Slow Down - Non Lethal slows for 90% more and hits 50% more and last 50% longer (Good) - This is great for just fucking people over. This would be much better if experienced cop reduced cuffing by about 75%.


Instant Backup - Teleport to a cop who calls for backup, or a random cop if none (Good) - Fits its purpose well, people just have to use the backup.


Steel Grade Cuffs - Cuffs cannot be broken out of unless time expires (Ok) - It works great.. But why do you need this? The only purpose is for dragging people around.


Misc Spec



Morpher - Change size from .5-1.5 (Good) - Only works on some jobs. It's a more of a fun talent.


Too Weird 2 Hack - Your items cannot be hacked (Ok) - It's only good when there is a hacker around, why would you let them get that close?


Wow - Spawn with a doge Brick (Bad) - This is just a stupid / troll weapon. Doesn't do much. This is a fun talent.


Launcher - Use gravity gun to punt objects (Best) - Can use the saw blade to one shot people.


Power Stop - Jumping in the air at minimum 25 feet causes you to plow down to the ground immediately (Ok) - Never saw this used, don't know if it does damage or how it functions.


Reinforced Legs - You take no falll damage (Best) - Really good for people with movement sweps. 


Alter Gravity - Gravity is halved (Ok) - It's more of a fun talent. 


Where is the bathroom - You poop and it projects you into the air (Ok) - Never saw this used, don't know how it works.


Perk Suggestions 



Talent Suggestions




Best case scenario, we would want to raise everything to at least a good rating. The ones that are labeled (Best) are the ones most pick. Realistically, I'd like to see everything move up to a good rating (pending suggestions). So, post your suggestions and opinions please.

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Good talent suggestion, more fitting for a perk though. The problem with suggesting... very specific talents, is that it only effects one thing. So you leveled up 10 times, just to get a talent for ONE job. Said job has ONE slot. That's a great perk though.

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Perk Suggestion: "Buy My Firearm!" [Gay name I know lmao]

Perk Description: Becoming a gun dealer now let's you be able to spend guns for half the amount of money. (Or less, I don't know what a good one would be)

(Some suggestion from a kid who I have no idea is, just saw this one time)

Also, I know you guys might say: "HEY THAT'LL JUST MAKE MASS RDM EASIER" well, usually the new players go gun dealer and they more than likely won't have the perk for that

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I'd actually like to see.. Think of it like a talent tree sort of system, like world of warcraft (before it was shitty).


Instead of getting random perks that you get every level.


Have a few trees like...


Criminal / Civilian / Police / Weird



Investing points unlocks the next tier. Points can be reset weekly by the gang owner (at a price). Allows people to customize their playstyle to more then "one role". So people can enjoy a variety of different things. (Cop, criminal, etc).


Criminal could be


1/4 - Quick Mug - Mugging cooldown is decreased by 10% per rank


1/4 - Fast Escape - When warranted/wanted  - Increase movement speed by 4% per rank


1/4 - Master Key - Unlock doors faster if you have unlocked it before (Joe owns door, bob comes to raid him, bob comes and raids him again, joe still owns door, so he gets the buff) by 12% per rank.

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Talent trees were going to be implemented from a WoW standpoint but the people didn't like it too much with the old gang system. Reason is because you were locked to one thing. Wanted to be a raider? You only got raider perks. Wanted to be a cop? You only got cop perks. What about the people that wanted to do both? As of right now, the gang system is there to provide you full freedom to do what you want with your friends. While you can pick talents that specify what you want to strive for, there is no way to completely personalize your experience due to it being broader, trying to please the majority.


But some of these talents and perks are pretty good. Some of the bad talents were made because I couldn't think of anything else. I will change some things around and implement them as some perks / talents or change some of the current talents / perks

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