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Lets talk about Custom Classes


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Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the classes that I have (Soldier and George W. Kush). The reason I love them?




My issue with this server (possibly the ONLY issue with it) is the fact that anyone can just buy a custom class. Doesn't seem to bad, Sugar gets some dolla dolla and the server gets a new VIP and/or Custom Class. Plus, that person gets a unique footprint on this server. It's when people ABUSE this power that it pisses me off.


I used to be without a Class like this, left to deal with only the VIP jobs as my cool classes. My first class was the Soldier class, which a friend added me to. It wasn't too OP, but it wasn't too sucky. It was perfect. I could raid people and have a chance, but not just steamroll the living fuck out of them. It felt great when people asked me "can I be on your class?" and "wow, cool class!". It was just the thing to have.


I can name a good deal of OP classes that people DON'T go total war with (e.g. Anbu and Master Guardian). This is a good group, knowing what they can do and not using against new and returning players in a way that rivals that of Nazi Germany's warpath in WWII. It's when people just buy the most OP fucking guns that they can just to get an advantage. Not to be cool or have a nice chance of defending their base, but just to fuck over the little guys (and big guys alike). Take an example, those kids who got banned for being complete retards doing what they were not supposed to with the rules had their "Night's Watch" class. They made CONSTANT changes to it (as what Sugar has said) and added OP guns and tools to it. The ONLY reason they did this was to either compensate for their inability to play properly or just to be dicks. They succeeded in both, thus causing a permanent scar across the server with their horrific ways. And can we not forget the minge and complete idiot MAKUTA was? How he caused havoc with his class and eventually got banned over a dispute with it. SATAN666 had a horrifically OP class, and he cause some trouble.


Sugar, you nerf weapons  to be less OP, however, YOU DON'T PREVENT INITIAL DAMAGES! You make it so it damages less, and that's fucking it. If you don't realize a weapon is OP as fucking heck, it can go for day or weeks (think of the Reaper, how long that went). When a weapon is picked out by a player, they try for something OP that will give them the edge against people who don't have a disposable income (or their mom's credit card).


Alright, let me just say it:




The only way to get good guns is to buy them for a class. The BMD is more expensive than the new player can afford, and the nerfs to printers and bitcoin miners doesn't help those people. The people who buy VIP only get novelty classes that serve little to no purpose other than slightly better guns. You see the problem, right? People leave the server not because of maps. They don't leave because they get bored. They leave because of the Custom Classes that are too powerful for their own good. Anyone remember Citizen Cyrus? He was one of the coolest guys I've ever met on this server. Why did he leave? He told me the day he left that it was the people with the OP classes that drove the fun out.


Furthermore, my final point is the way a class treats people. People who have a large sum of money in the real world feel a certain sense of privilege over the poorer people. In this case, classes ARE MONEY. The more guns and OP shit you get, the more privileged one can feel, causing them to lose sense of the RP and what new players think of the server. Maybe we should rename the server from TitsRP to Tits-Kill-All-With-Your-OP-Fucking-Guns-And-Ruin-RP Server.


Am I salty about this? Maybe, and I'll sure as shit regret this post in the morning. But go ahead, give me your worst. Call me a flaming asshole for calling out Sugar's policies. Call me a hater. Call me a bad Staff Member for actually speaking my mind and having a thought on what could make this server fun for both new and veteran DarkRP players. Go ahead, demote me for speaking ill of our server and getting mad over a game. It's not about me. This rant is for the new guy. This rant is for the kid who looks forward to DarkRP every day after school. This rant is about the well being of those who want to stay.


So go ahead, hate me...  

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+ the comment about the BMD prices being insane

+ saying how I need to nerf them more


It's debatable. Although it is a lot better than it was like 3 months ago (everyone had the C4 that killed everyone in a mile radius and blew up everyone's props). It is still a problem. I always think of a day that I could remove all custom classes since they take up 50% of the server's space. (All the weapons and models take up a ton of space which is why I started remove all textures from all custom weapons).


If you feel a weapon is OP, please for the love of god tell me. I am a one man team. No one else can do anything but me. People go weeks without saying anything balance wise about the server and they only tell me how they want this and that. I want to make it so everyone can play and have fun but it's hard to manage over 45 custom weapons. You cannot just assume I will know about it, because I really really wont.


I can take more measures to lessen the strength of custom classes. Some ideas that come to my mind is removing armor on spawn for classes with custom weapons or classes that have above x amount of weapons. I can also lower their salary to 10 instead of 100 since they always spawn with weapons. They don't need more money. There are a lot of casual custom classes out there and I respect that. You will have the people who buy classes just to "win". They just want to slaughter people and win. Which.. I mean it's part of the game. You're playing DarkRP. You will die and you will kill. Except, at-least on this server, it should not be happening so much.


*Most* people who donate for custom classes do it for the actual intent of helping and providing cash for addons, server costs, ect. Just today, a player told me how much he wanted a custom class with just a lightsaber ($10) and I told him to just get VIP which is $5 or $5,000,000 ingame cash and he said he would prefer to just help out the server as much as he could.


I will say it again and again, custom classes are supposed to be unique. Not overpowered. All weapons are supposed to do as much damage as their CSS counterpart. I want to take more measures to make custom classes less viable. Everyone having the mastersword and force-emitter is super silly since custom classes can get anywhere and everywhere within 2 seconds.


I agree. Custom classes are VERY op. I saw one with a sniper that can destroyer entre props, like a C4. #nerfpls

That weapon (The Skullsmasher) has had its ability to shoot through props revoked. The reason why it had it in the first place is because the owner left and it was more of a legacy weapon for people to mouth water about. It was blacklisted from everything and you could buy it on the BMD for 1.5 mil.


I agree, for the most part custom classes do make it harder for new players to play and have fun, I mean i'm added to 3 classes (Baddass, Skaarj, and Philip J. Fry) none are really op they are just kinda casual.

I won't disagree with that. Although it is against the rules for custom classes to raid new players. So if you see people doing it, please report it. I cater to more non-paying members than the one's paying. I try to make everything available to everyone.


The bottom line is this. Tell me what weapons need to be nerfed. Tell me who is raiding and picking on new players. Tell me shit.

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I've always wanted a class for fun, but lacked the resources. I recently stopped raiding altogether and just want to focus on the fun stuff or defense. If I ever get the money for a workshop weapon, I want it to be fun (similar to Lods Emone swep).

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but how do we know if they are new?


Think, have you ever seen or even heard of this guy? Do they have VIP or are they users? Usually if neither are true then they are new players who are just looking to have a fun time.

I've always wanted a class for fun, but lacked the resources. I recently stopped raiding altogether and just want to focus on the fun stuff or defense. If I ever get the money for a workshop weapon, I want it to be fun (similar to Lods  Emone swep).


EXACTLY, the only people I raid are server veterans, like Judy or Chuckles.

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To me, i think, custom classes are for fun/diversity not for opness. So, ppl shouldn't abuse them by buying OP weapons, OP tools, op shit like that. CUSTOM <-- the word says everything. Should be custom. Not overpowered. But in the other hand, custom classes even if they're op they help to maintain the server up, and thats good for all of us.

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