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CC model Unseeable

Lord Cursed

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Well, where to begin, I happened to be on a CC (Eve) which recently had 2 of its 3 skins removed from the server, for whatever reason. Normally, people should be seeing me as a huge error sign (you can see people in chat wondering if you were talking about the error sign), you just happened to see me as an invisible person.

I think the fact that you didn't see me has more to do with an overall bug than it has to do with that specific CC, as i have gotten the same problem with other normal CC's, like cops. I was playing with Silly (yes he still lives) yesterday and he had the same problem aswel with a PD Commander, he was confused as to who i was talking about because the PD Commander was invisible to him but not to me.


I also recall you claiming you couldn't see wether i was in the revolt or not, I responded the way I did because I thought you were complaining about the error sign already being red by default so it was impossible to known if i in the revolt or not. 


Hope this clears up some stuff and I hope an admin can look into it.

- eddiH

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