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MOTD Rework?

Mr. Peanut Butter

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I will literally do it for you... lulz. But seriously, this is a proposal for an motd update that: adds rules that are rules but not yet written, removes obselete rules that just cause extra stress for staff and/or are not enforced ever and/or are not to be enforced anymore according to conversations with Sugar Tits in Staff Chat, better elaborates on rules that were already there, fixes grammar and formatting issues, re-arranges rules to better locations based on their relevance to those sections, and etc. Hopefully this will be taken into consideration. DO note, I did not "make up" anything here, this is based on my most current understanding of the actual, pre-existing rules of the server, combined with the changes that sugar wants.



General Rules


DO be respectful to everyone

DO try your best to help other players in a time of need

DO report rule breakers on the forums

DO speak English since this is an English server

DO have some sort of video recording software if you ever report anyone


DO NOT RDM (Attack/Kill people for no reason or for a false reason)

DO NOT Minge (Be a constant annoyance)

DO NOT Propclimb (Spawn props to climb up to an otherwise inaccessible place)

DO NOT Propblock (Use props to block something and make it completely inaccessible to other people)

DO NOT Do Violent Thefts (Attacking/Killing someone because you want what they are carrying, this excludes mugs performed with the in-game feature)

DO NOT Metagame (Use information outside the context of the roleplay to aid in your own roleplay such as OOC Chat or seeing items through a wall. This excludes sound)

DO NOT Roleplay in spawn in any way, unless you're running through it in an RP situation or someone else initiated the RP on you)

DO NOT say racist things in Public Chat or have them in your name

DO NOT be constantly vulgar in Public Chat, you will be warned then kicked / banned

DO NOT block off any NPC for any reason

DO NOT raid the same person over and over again, pick on someone else every once in a while

DO NOT raid public places. Some people just wanna chill, don't ruin their fun if they have no goods in their public place

DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action

DO NOT "counter" someone if a friend/teammate was already killed/arrested by someone. It only applies when they're being attacked/detained

DO NOT warn people for general actions such as walking down the street, looking at them or being near them

DO NOT scam custom class related stuff! While scamming RP items (such as shotguns, blowtorches and such) is 100% allowed since it is an RP situation, scamming custom class related stuff (like CC slots, items permission and so on) is NOT considered RP and is NOT allowed. If you EVER make a trade related to CC stuff please take proofs of the trade to ensure you won't get scammed!

DO NOT "claim" chemical hoses unless you are a hobo. Hobo is the only job that can build in such an area.

DO NOT revolt against the PD without an actual RP reason. Be specific with your reasoning, and attempt to contact the Mayor to correct the issue beforehand

DO NOT advert PD Raid if you're inside of the PD. You must do it outside since you will be committing murder to everyone inside

DO NOT use a modified game client, not only including hacks


Sit Calling Rules


DO NOT call Staff for a single RDM, Ask in OOC why they killed you or contact CP as a "witness to the murder (of your last life)" by typing /cr message.

DO NOT call Staff without a specified reason. (Ex: "ADMIN 2 ME PLZ" is not allowed  "Hey admin, player x is mass RDMing right now, can you help out?")

DO NOT call Staff for general questions, ask people in OOC, on the forums, or in Discord

DO NOT call Staff constantly. Spamming @chat will have you kicked / banned

DO NOT call Staff for moderator applications. Just apply on the forums

DO NOT call Staff for a refund on weapons or money, we can not spawn weapons or money

DO NOT call Staff and include derogatory or offensive messages, especially aimed at Staff (Ex: do your job you 6 year old stink cheese)

NLR rule


In this server, NLR mainly applies to raid / heist. It doesn't mean you can come back and kill your killer/continue doing whatever you were doing. It's only to prevent people from not having access to imporant parts of the map if you get killed for X reasons. If you get killed infront of PD by a cop while you were mugging, yes you can come back and buy armor from PD. But it doesn't mean you have the right to continue your mug/kill the cop. At the bottom of the motd page there is more example of NLR if you are curious.

And if you did die in a raid/heist, its simply over. You CANNOT come back and continue raiding/defending. Accept that you lost and move on. Don't come back to the raid.


Time Limits:


Raiding Cooldown: There is no cooldown but you cannot raid the same person again within 20 minutes

Max Kidnapping Time: 5 minutes (you can type kill in ~ console after 5 minutes to die and thus escape)

Max Raiding Raid Time: 10 minutes Max Raiding Time

Cooldown for raiding the PD: 15 minutes

Max Mug Amount: $1,000 (type /mugamount 1000 , it is 500 by default)

NLR Time Limit: Read NLR rules above/Until the raid or heist is over. 




If you're heckin dumb enough to get warned, you're gonna get the slap down.


15 warns - 1 week ban

25 warns - 2 week ban

35 warns - 1 month ban

50 warns - Perma ban



KOS = Kill On Sight

AOS = Arrest On Sight

A(RDM/RDA): Attempted (RDM/RDA)

R(RDM/RDA): Revenge (RDM/RDA)

RDM: Random Death Match

RDA: Random Arrest

NITRP: No Intention To Role-Play

LTAP: Leaving To Avoid Punishment

FDA: Fading Door Abuse

NLR: New Life Remember

NLA: Nonlethal Abuse

Propblock: Blocking all areas without a way to get in using a lockpick / keypad cracker

Propclimb: Using props to get on places you cannot normally get to




RDM: John kills Billy because why not (this does not include death matches that involve job rules ex: Pissed Baby killing Pedophiles)

RDA: John arrests Billy because why not (this doesn't include 'random arrests' that deal with RP)

NITRP: John freezes Billy in a prop he made and calls him derogatory terms while doing it. This shows John has no intent on playing on the server.

LTAP: John kills Billy for no reason before he hops off for the night. Once he kills him, he leaves immediately.

FDA: John is getting raided by Billy and instead of using his keypad to open the door the raider is picking, he uses his keybind to open it quickly and kill him.

NLA: John is a cop and decides he wants to stun everyone with his Nonlethal Pistol, or uses it for no apparent or justified reason on Billy who did no wrong.

Propblock: John is printing money and blocks off his house and printer with 50 bathtubs to make sure no one can get them

Propclimb: John is raiding Billy's house and sees he has an opening at the top of his structure. He builds a stairway using props to get inside the house


Warning people that you are going to kill them if they don't stop doing x has to be adverted. As in /advert Warn 1/2/3.


Definition of Raiding: Having the intent to invade another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, trespassing someone else's house should be considered a raid.


When starting a raid, be close to the place you're raiding. Sitting away from the house shooting people while they are coming out is not allowed.






Advert Rules


Adverts that Exist:


  • PD Raid
  • Bank Heist
  • Warn

Adverts that DO NOT EXIST:

  • Steal
  • FearRP related adverts
  • Hands are tied, weapons are stripped
  • Serial Killer
  • Murder
  • Raid
  • Kidnap
  • Counter
  • Mug
  • Hit accepted/denied/completed

DO NOT bind multiple different adverts to one message (ex: raid/pd raid/bank heist/warn/counter) because it is nonsensical and confusing.







Basing Rules

  • Fading door limit is 3 per base
  • Fading door minimum hold length is 5 seconds
  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.
  • One way props are allowed
  • You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building
  • You cannot have a skybase (excludes Preacher job)
  • You cannot have a crouch base that exploits a head or foot glitch (or any other body part, don't loophole please). They must be able to shoot you back.
  • A public place is a place with open doors and no entities inside such as a restaurant. If the place does have closed doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the place is considered raidable.
  • Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entities or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense
  • KoS signs are not allowed but you may have Loitering signs. Minimum time for a loiterer to be killed is 5 seconds
  • Trespassing makes you KoS
  • The owner of the MOST doors in a base is the owner. Not the owner of the front door.
  • Your goods must be accessible in some way or form. You cannot just prop block them
  • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door
  • You cannot have a blackout base / super dark base / any base that excessively confuses sense of direction. (example: you can have your door no-collided in a certain area to trick players, but they must know it is the door, and be able to proceed to the next door after passing it, you cannot have them go inside and it be basically impossible to find out where to go next)
  • You cannot use an excessive amount of animated materials or large props, because this cause lag and fps drops for many players.







Civilian Rules


Basic Description: You sell items, complete tasks and just be a regular civilian to survive.


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase



  • Amphetamine Cook is AoS
  • Bank manager CANNOT base with Bank heisters
  • Bank manager may not keep his bank private or only for his friends
  • Chucky can KoS Picolas cage, Pissed baby's,Master stalker and stalker's.
  • Chucky and Jigsaw are at constant war, they are KoS to each other all the time.
  • Jigsaw can type !sleep and get randomly teleported near someone to murder them and that person ONLY, Do not Mass RDM after typing !sleep.Once you teleport you are KoS by everyone. If you get teleported inside someone's base DO NOT raid that person nor destroy his stuff, simply ask the person to let you out or commit suicide, but do NOT raid afterwards.
  • Medics can assist in raids
  • Mychael Myers can KoS people with 20 hp or less with his knife WITHOUT having to advert it. You can see how much hp people have by hovering your cursor  on the person you are aiming for using the Knife you are provided with.


Jobs in this ruleset:



  • Chucky (LEGACY JOB)
  • Gambler
  • Jigsaw (LEGACY JOB)
  • Landlord
  • Lawyer
  • Medic
  • Mychael Myers (LEGACY JOB)
  • Sanata Claus (LEGACY JOB)
  • Bank Manager
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Vaper
  • Fight Club Owner
  • Guard
  • Bank Guard
  • Cook
  • Poller







Cop Rules

Basic Description: You protect and serve the people of the town


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase


Cop Rules:

  • CP cannot assist criminals or commit crimes.
  • Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise
  • All doors in PD are allowed to be locked (including first door)
  • CP can build roadblocks / base / build checkpoints / do what you gotta do

Mayor Rules:

  • You cannot assist criminals or commit crimes.
  • Neither you nor anyone else can be above the law.
  • Make your laws something that your officers can enforce, you cannot make rules that allow players to kill each other
  • You can not make a law to make someone above the law because it breaks roleplay
  • You can edit the MOTD's Default Laws to some extent, unless it makes something legal that produces illegal goods or money
  • You can not contradict the 3 in-game Default Laws.

Fine Rules:

  • Fine players and add onto their bounties for doing illegal activities (Ex: Raiding, making drugs, heisting)
  • People with bounties can be fined 10% of their bounty or arrested on sight, as long as you use the CP menu to reset their bounty to 0 so that they get a break from it.
  • Lower people's fines when they have reasoned with you to take off a set amount. (Ex: Player 1 killed player 2 in self defense, he should have 5,000 removed if it is not the only offense or have it reduced from 5000 to 2500 if it is.)

Default Laws (* means that law cannot be changed)


Illegal Activities:


  • Being any job that is AoS
  • *Raiding
  • *Mugging
  • *Stealing
  • Disrupting the peace
  • Making drugs
  • *Having Printers
  • Having a firearm without a license
  • Weapon Modifying
  • *Processing Weapons

Legal Activities:


  • Growing Olives
  • Having Bitcoin Miners
  • Owning a Melee Weapon
  • Having a Firearm with a license

Other Notices:


  • Doing any illegal activity will have you arrested or fined, or even killed if you are thought to be a threat to people
  • Having guns attached to the job you are playing as does NOT excuse you from the law, that is Meta and not RP-related, you chose to be that job

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Civil Protection
  • Civil Protection Lead
  • Civil Protection Specialist
  • Combine Team Six
  • Detective
  • Judge Gabe
  • Mayor
  • Police K9
  • SWAT
  • SWAT Chief
  • SWAT Enforcer
  • SWAT Medic
  • Secret Service
  • Fantasma
  • Swat Sniper
  • Soldier 76
  • Swat Commando
  • Juggernaut
  • Smoke
  • Security Specialist
  • PD Commander
  • Custom Classes that are cops






Thief Rules

Basic Description: You steal from people and break into their bases


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase


  • Custom classes cannot mug
  • Bank heisters CANNOT base with Bank manager

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Bank Heist Leader
  • Bank Heister
  • Demolitionist
  • Infiltrator
  • Raider
  • Thief
  • Master Thief
  • Master Raider
  • Hacker
  • Reinforcer
  • Trisha
  • Custom Classes that aren't cops






Hobo Rules

Basic Description: You beg for money...or forcefully take it


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

  • You cannot build in the streets but you can build on the sidewalk
  • Your houses can have multi-layers (essentially prop-climb within your house)
  • You can own guns
  • You can micspam but please be respectful if someone asks you to stop. If they ask you to stop and you don't comply within a reasonable amount of time, you're KoS

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Hobo
  • Hobo Lord







Gang Rules

Basic Description: Join together to build a massive place and fulfill your duties


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase


  • You must have at least 3 members to megabase, unless you're the King
  • You cannot take over a large portion of the map and the portion of the map cannot be a hotspot (Ex: In front of PD)
  • You must own all of the doors in all of the houses with all of the members as co-owners

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Crips
  • Bloods
  • Rebels
  • Mafia
  • King







Mercenary Rules


Basic Description: Get hired to protect or do some other task


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase


  • If you are a Hitman/Assassin, DO NOT randomly teleport behind people using the shadow knife to someone you are not initiating an RP with. It is annoying for EVERYONE to get stuck on a random Hitman/Assassin for no reason at all.
  • Teleporting behind someone makes you KoS for the person you teleported to.

Jobs in this ruleset:



  • Bounty Hunter
  • Assassin
  • Hitman






Weird Jobs Rules

Basic Description: You're super weird. You take pictures or meow at people. Do something that makes Pap233 proud.


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

  • Pedophiles are default AoS
  • Stalkers and Master Stalkers are subject to AoS if they're caught stalking people.
  • Pets and Master Pets cannot own guns but they can own melee weapons

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Master Pet
  • Pet
  • Stalker
  • Master Stalker
  • Pedophile
  • Hazmat
  • Necromancer
  • Crab
  • Sewer Lord







Stupid Job Rules


Basic Description: These jobs were added in to make you lose brain cells and to feel stupid. If you want more info on why these jobs were added, check out this thread https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2650&page=2


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase


  • The abomination must be contained and therefore AoS
  • Pissed Babies can kill Pedophiles on sight
  • The preacher can skybase
  • Picolas Cage can kill the Spooky Alien on sight
  • The Spooky Alien must make out with Picolas cage
  • You cannot become a prop to avoid rp as a Spooky Alien
  • Do NOT become a prop for the purpose of prop blocking a doorway or prop trapping a person or etc, you will be immediately kicked

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Picolas Cage
  • Pissed Baby
  • Preacher
  • Spooky Alien
  • Guitar Player
  • Pianist
  • King of Drums
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Trumpet Player
  • The Abomination






Kidnapper Rules

Basic Description: You kidnap people and make them your slave.


Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

  • Alien Race can Raid and Heist if all three are together

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Cultist
  • Alien Race







No Category Rules


Basic Description: Your job says your job rules in the description


  • Spawn of heck: You must advert A Spawn of heck has risen and you can kill one player. 15 minute cooldown either if you succeed or fail
  • Terrorist: You can kill people in a terrorist attack that have already been killed
  • Terrorist: Anyone can kill you once you have adverted / started the terrorist attack. You are a mass rdming machine, if someone shoots at you, you can shoot back at them.

Jobs in this ruleset:


  • Gandalf
  • Grim Reaper
  • Batman
  • Master Chief
  • Spawn of heck
  • Terrorist
  • Mugger
  • John Cena
  • Mayor's Assassin
  • Mr. Sniffy
  • Ronald My Donald
  • Spirit Caller







Misc Rules


Rules that generally don't have to be said but are here for the people who need to see them

  • Killing the cop / mugger who has just fined / mugged you after you paid a fine is failrp
  • Do not force other players to get stuck, if they can't move it's not RP
  • Killing people at NPCs has no purpose, you don't gain anything and therefore is RDM and a bannable offense
  • Don't join parties with people you don't trust, they will raid you.
  • Don't invite people to parties you don't trust, they will raid you
  • You cannot build on the streets or sidewalk if you're not a hobo or CP
  • NLR Exists, don't be stupid.
  • Also do NOT return to watch a raid, this breaks NLR rules and you will get in the way of others if you are trying to or not.
  • Cops should not be returning to the PD if there is a raid if they already died
  • If you're heisting the bank, you cannot go back. You must call heist again at some other time.
  • Being revived by a necromancer does not mean you can continue a heist / raid. You lost, no second chances
  • If you're shot at, you're allowed to fire back even if they miss
  • You cannot build / remove props to your advantage while being raided or in a situation that involves a clash between other players. Ex: Stealing a printer, running to your base, deleting it and then placing the base back when you're inside
  • Do not demote people from jobs for breaking server rules, it is intended for RP demotes only. Ex: Demoting a cop for not arresting someone without a firearm license

NLR Examples: 

Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to see your friends ALLOWED

Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to kill the hitman NOT ALLOWED

Jimmy going back to Jimmy's house after raiders raided it and killed him NOT ALLOWED

Going back to Jimmy's house you were raiding after you died NOT ALLOWED

Going back to finish a heist as a raider after you died NOT ALLOWED

Going back to defend a heist as a CP after you died NOT ALLOWED

Going back into the PD as a cop after you got killed by a Bounty Hunter ALLOWED

Going back into the PD as a raider after you got killed by a mugger ALLOWED

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Here are the changes from this MOTD compared to the existing one.


Existing one on the left, changes on right








No guns for crabs can be enforced through code which is always better than writing out a rule, hoping people will follow it.


I think one thing to tidy up on is to remove all of the job names from the MOTD saying "this job is in this ruleset" because the description will say what ruleset it is in. That would drastically reduce the height of the motd and probably make it easier to understand


Also what kinda rules are these WHO MADE THIS



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Remove Amphetamine cook as it’s no longer a thing. 


In NLR rules it says can when it should say can’t

Here are the changes from this MOTD compared to the existing one.


Existing one on the left, changes on right








No guns for crabs can be enforced through code which is always better than writing out a rule, hoping people will follow it.


I think one thing to tidy up on is to remove all of the job names from the MOTD saying "this job is in this ruleset" because the description will say what ruleset it is in. That would drastically reduce the height of the motd and probably make it easier to understand


Also what kinda rules are these WHO MADE THIS





those are good rules and improve rp?

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senpai responded! c:


I did think that too actually that the jobs in the ruleset parts should be removed to reduce bulk since it shows in game in job menu, but I wasn't sure so I updated them instead.


Also that's a good idea just make dogs, pets, and crabs physically unable to use guns.


I like the picolas cage rules lol I hhave never seen it in action however.


oh yeah maybe we could allow for preacher and spawn of heck to kos each other? thats rp I would say

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