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chads ban appeal


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hecko lads and gents its chad


Your Steam Name:chachadolphins

Your ingame name:Chads

Your Steam Profile/SteamID:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198271933291

Why were you banned?:MASS RDM LTAP

Why should you be unbanned?:     I think that I should be unbanned with the confusion and misunderstanding I was in a call with about 4 admins and mods and I had to go but before I wanted to bank heist. That word bank heist everyone knows that everyone camps the money launder so then I was in the back With a base set up so if people did camp this then I could warn and  seconds to leave so when I did this for multiple people they didn't leave so then I gave them 5 seconds warned them all and then killed most of them with a few crossfire. Stephanie even said that the loitering checks out to be fine with the rules and even said that it helps the server for money launder campers so then after I killed them my dad came in the room and said I had to shut down my computer so I did listen to him and before I quit I said in Discord If any shit happens due to the loitering then tell the admins so I quit


EDIT : we did put a loitering sign up after we had raidables in the base to protect our stuff and loitering was kos after 5 seconds !!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!


Staff in the call: Wrath,Quizical    Quizical was the one to think of the loitering idea first and all the staff on approved of it.


I would Like to add that I get that Doc could have been misunderstanding and confused but I'm sad that no one on the discord told any admins that my dad shut off my computer.


More reasons include that the alley is very small and it causes a crossfire waiting to happen and If there are over 10 people camping money launder and they don't understand the loitering they would report and when I left for my dad they could have thought RDM and LTAP without seeing the sign.


some changes we can make to prevent future misunderstandings are to make the money launder only drop cheques to the person that put it in and the bank not droping huge ammounts for people to camp money launder




Who banned you? DOC Mcstubin

Evidence: Post videos, screenshots, anything that can help. Numerous screenshots help, a decently lengthed video helps too.    My only evidence Is the loitering sign that we put up and Wrath and Quizical can vouch for me

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This is the first I'm hearing about a loitering sign. The other staff in admin chat were saying you adverted warns before killing everybody, but we could find no such adverts. Could you prove the existence of this loitering sign?


ill ask quizzical but right before you posted quizical  just said that there was after we put printers down

This is the first I'm hearing about a loitering sign. The other staff in admin chat were saying you adverted warns before killing everybody, but we could find no such adverts. Could you prove the existence of this loitering sign?


and yes I was warning people before also the loitering sign ask quizzical too he was the one that put up the sign it was my base he is in my party

This is the first I'm hearing about a loitering sign. The other staff in admin chat were saying you adverted warns before killing everybody, but we could find no such adverts. Could you prove the existence of this loitering sign?


I just wanna go back to the game and If you were online last night you would understand but the thing is I don't know why the admin didn't check the area for the loitering sign before banning me ..........

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There was no problem with this base, the base was being defended and not the npc. There was nothing blocking the npc, which is why Fantasma and I said it was fine. This seems to be a misunderstanding as I asked chads and he left not to avoid punishment, but because had to go. He didn't leave in the middle of a sit or anything.


I can confirm that there was a loitering sign.



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