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Stuck in place bug


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Bug Stuck in place bug



Description: Every once and a while a lag spike will happen that freezes a random user in place, in my experience I cannot type or move while this has happening, While it only happens to the same player every couple hours per say depending on luck It can happen in very important moments like a base raid or pd raid. This can cause some very unfun moments and breaks in roleplay and can often cost people raid items.


How to reproduce: Play on the server for a bit and 95% chance it will happen to you

Priority: High

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I agree this is a huge problem but I don't know how Sugar would fix this. I have ab 100 hours on the server and out of those 100 hours it's happened to me probably 50-100 times. You freeze and can't talk, type, or move. Yet, everyone around you is still moving and talking and it's really annoying. 


If you find a way to fix this you're a god

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Yeah you get frozen but you still see the server citizen running like normal , only your movement and the chat is frozen and when you get unfrozen you get teleported some where near the location you got frozen .

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When it freezes someone is it due to server lag? I know that people can still be moving due to prediction and voice always seems to still work unless the server goes down completely. Are people running into walls when this happens? Does everyone on your screen get teleported back?

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When it freezes someone is it due to server lag? I know that people can still be moving due to prediction and voice always seems to still work unless the server goes down completely. Are people running into walls when this happens? Does everyone on your screen get teleported back?


No it's only you and I have tested it , I was gambling and someone told me if I was lagging when it happened and people don't get teleported back it's only 1 person . Even people I skyped with got this bug when nothing in my screen was happening i'm positive it only happens to one person and it's not related to a server over all lag .

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This was a huge problem way back when I first joined. I was just hanging out with my fellow pedophiles and out of nowhere we just freeze and then come back. I continued to do my job and then my friend started asking me to call a admin because he couldn't type, couldn't leave, and couldn't access his guns. So I kept calling mods and they never answered when I made about 3 sits. So I simply told him to force quit. Later it happened to me and simply force quit was the only way out. 


This never happened to me since then. If you guys are experiencing it then maybe this can turn into a huge deal.

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I freeze in place about every 30min. One time I was typing and I was frozen, I couldn't even type or talk. I had to ask friends in discord to tell the other mods to kill me and force respawn me. Even after I was still stuck typing, everyone else was moving and talking like normal. I couldn't access the ESC menu either. I then had to alt+tab out of my game, then force closing it with task manager. But while you are frozen, you cannot switch weapons, but you can still die easily. Also while after done freezing, you teleport to the direction in which you were traveling.

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It's just you. Everybody else is running around just fine and you can hear them talking, but chat does stop working. You can't move, you CAN look around but you can't switch weapons or shoot and anything you say in chat will appear after the "lag spike" passes. It takes me like 30 seconds to recover when it happens. Not long enough to make me rage quit but long enough to be REALLY ANNOYING. 


Also, it will push me a few feet away, although once when I was inside of the base next to the gun dealer's base (the one with the sliding window, down the street from PD) it teleported me OUTSIDE AND AROUND THE CORNER.


Even as someone with experience running Source servers, I have no fucking clue what this is. This is especially unique in the fact that it seems like everybody experiences this if you play long enough.


Edit: Is there something, like a database or refresh of some sort that would effect older players more than newer players? Or maybe it's just us complaining because we're the only ones to think to comment on a bug report...

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