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So, how does RARE get so much gang xp?


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Then that's bullshit, trial mods/mods/admins should be held to the same standard as players not up on a pedestal. If this video would of been anyone else but a staff member it would of been a punishment, actually he would of been either kicked or banned before this video ever made it to forums.


Im not saying they are different. I have to follow my guidelines if i want to stay as staff. If I were an admin, I'm allowed to do it. But I cant just do it to another mod, to an admin or anything like that.

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I agree that staff should be held accountable for what they have done, in regards to breaking the rules or anything. Staff are just normal players that want to help out. The problem is, is that some of the staff just don't help anymore. They only "help" when an issue comes up with them, or one of their friends. Any other time they don't do shit. 


I've been threatened by staff of "Hacking, Exploiting, etc" and said they were recording, going to get me banned in a week, etc. The staff doesn't work as a team. The staff members are purely out there to better themselves and not the server.


I'd like to think of myself as a decent staff member, I don't break rules. I actually don't want to get on the server.. Because I can't play if I do. I'd rather go back to not being a staff, because when I get on the server I see..


"Bob has rdm'd me 3 times where are the fucking admins????"






"trisha rdm trisha rdm trisha rdm trisha rdm"


That. I see that in @ reports. I don't even like going on the server anymore because I can't play. I don't mind doing sits. It doesn't bother me, what bothers me is when there are other staff on - that don't do sits at all. I can't play the game properly because of it. 


IMO, the rules need to be looked at - and staff in its entirety just needs to be wiped clean. Even me. If they want staff so bad, they'll apply and get their old positions back.



This doesn't apply to all staff members, there are good staff members and there will always be bad staff members.

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As much as Viscus's comment seems unrelated to the topic, I do agree.


A lot of the Staff accept sits and only handle sits regarding them or a basing friend who was maybe NLR'ed.


I don't want to name some, they'll always tell you "I didn't." And yeah, some don't do it intentionally.


But I agree with Viscus.

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How's it not against rules when regular players get kicked out of game (regardless of how full it is or isn't) for anti-afk.

The fact is that mods are not held to the same standard as players, mods are not even allowed to do anything if they see another mod breaking rules, they must report it on the forums which IMO is dumb.. Guarantee if I AFK-mined as bank manager over night Piklas would have me kicked cause he's hypocritical as shit.

Clear things up here he was kicked for his actions.....

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