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Not many of you will know me at this point, I'm not as active as I used to be.

It's been a year+ since I joined the server and I've met so many cool people. I might be coming back to the server regularly or when I have time to be more active and meet more of you guys.

I was 15 when I started this server along with Tunnel Snake Piixel (Gent) you guys can blame him for my existence on this server. 

My birthday is extremely soon and I just got my first job, and actually used staffing on this server as a valid resource of people skills and somehow it worked. I just wanna say thank you for allowing me to be part of this community.

This is a pretty lame post but I might be giving away 1mil in game coming up to my birthday. It'll be a server related thing. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone


The main people I wanna say thank you for accepting me as a staff is of course

1) Sugar Tits 

2) Neko-Sam


4) Dindu

5) Diagonal 

6) Gent

7) Kalysta

8) JesusFace

9) Moist

10) maybe karma

and many many others // dont get butthurt if your name isn't in this list I appreciate a lot of people!


i should be #1 since i’m the only reason you kept staff and didn’t get demoted from tmod ;)

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Not many of you will know me at this point, I'm not as active as I used to be.

It's been a year+ since I joined the server and I've met so many cool people. I might be coming back to the server regularly or when I have time to be more active and meet more of you guys.

I was 15 when I started this server along with Tunnel Snake Piixel (Gent) you guys can blame him for my existence on this server. 

My birthday is extremely soon and I just got my first job, and actually used staffing on this server as a valid resource of people skills and somehow it worked. I just wanna say thank you for allowing me to be part of this community.

This is a pretty lame post but I might be giving away 1mil in game coming up to my birthday. It'll be a server related thing. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone


The main people I wanna say thank you for accepting me as a staff is of course

1) Sugar Tits 

2) Neko-Sam


4) Dindu

5) Diagonal 

6) Gent

7) Kalysta

8) JesusFace

9) Moist

10) maybe karma

and many many others // dont get butthurt if your name isn't in this list I appreciate a lot of people!


i should be #1 since i’m the only reason you kept staff and didn’t get demoted from tmod ;)



happy birthday trap


thank u

I only know you from Lucio but you seem like a great person so happy birthday


gracias. talk to me whenever

Happy early birthday.


gracias :3

Happy early birthday. I made you a cake.



thank lmao

Who r u again?


this is why ur blocked

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