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Moderator Discussion


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This isn't a hate thread. Just a rant. I really wanted to make this a report on a few mods, but I want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. I'm not going to call anyone out specifically, because I don't want to target anyone.



I understand you guys are players as well and would like to play the game. I understand that some of you guys maybe in sits/afk when I am calling for help.


What I don't like, is that when I use @ chat multiple times and not get a response. When I talk to two admins in spawn that are talking to eachother, not even about a sit. They acknowledge me, but nothing happens. When I pm admins asking for help, and then get told I am not using the proper format. I then use the proper format and the admin that said "Use the proper format" doesn't even come. When I see admins actively playing and they don't respond.


I understand you guys want to play. If you were in my shoes, I am sure you would feel the same way, feeling powerless - but everyone who had the power wasn't helping.

I understand that during peak hours, a lot of you are in sits because there's always a mass rdmer, there's always some rule violation.

I just don't understand when I ask for help multiple times, when there are admins available and nothing happens.


I did get help for the issue I had, it was just about 30 minutes of prop blocking, fading door abuse, and rdm.


I'm not mad. I just want you to understand how I feel. 


I appreciate it when you do take time to come and help me.


PS: Also note that even the thread is "Moderator discussion" admin/moderator is interchangeable. Whichever applies to you.

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This has been a problem with staffing for a while. It isn't just TitsRP staff. Is it disappointing? Yes, but they're humans too / players too. Even though this has been brought up a lot of times, we all kinda say the same thing. For me personally, I mainly just take propblock, NLR, and Mass RDM sits. I don't like doing FDA, or some form of a FailRP sit because some people will always say a differ story and it would result in a video to be made to even prove that those certain things happen. I mean, we could try to do something to make the staff actually want to take sits. I mean, at the same time, if you apply for staff, you are asking to do sits and help out. If you don't do that, then why even apply? I get it that they don't always take sits or whatever, but as long as they actually do their job as a staff member and do it well, then I don't see an issue with it... unless there are like 30 sits and they don't take a single one during the 90 player hotspot in the day.

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I understand with the fading door abuse and things that would be extremely hard to prove. There really is no way to prove it without video. It's just that I asked multiple times and it was legitimate rule breaking, as in multiple people, even veteran players were abusing it while it happened. It doesn't help when you have long term players saying "Oh, X Y Z did this, because he did it I won't get in trouble, so I am going to use it."

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See now this I can respect. You've shown you can articulate yourself in a mature and nonabrasive manner whilst still getting your points across. 


Now as far as the staffing problem, I apologize for the experiences youve had with unanswered sit calls, and I understand where you're coming from. Your best bet as far as getting something done is to document the staff who just simply WON'T do sits and report them. Yes were users, yes we want to play the game too, but complete disregard for the staff work we VOLUNTEERED to do is demotable from what I understand. And id also like to point out That if your sit goes unheard on the server, There is always the option to report that player here on the forums so long as you have evidence to support your claims.


All in all yes we have a problem with what I'm going to call "staff laziness" and sadly there's not really a way to remedy that short of hiring an elite task force of sit ninjas to sit all day long and handle user reports  (lol) and I fear it will only get worse being that the update is supposed to release today

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If you want to help fix it. You’re more than welcome to apply for mod.


That's a nice thought but it takes a month + in most cases for mod applications to be accepted, I know mine has taken a month so far. (Not bitching or trying to get my app looked at, but in general it seems to take ages.)


*However in fairness bad apps are denied quickly enough, it's accepting them that's the problem.


If I'm wrong and missing something, feel free to correct me.


*Addendum: I also understand that a lot of people apply for mod, so getting around to it can take time, but my point still stands

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If you want to help fix it. You’re more than welcome to apply for mod.


That's a nice thought but it takes a month + in most cases for mod applications to be accepted, I know mine has taken a month so far. (Not bitching or trying to get my app looked at, but in general it seems to take ages.)


*However in fairness bad apps are denied quickly enough, it's accepting them that's the problem.


If I'm wrong and missing something, feel free to correct me.


*Addendum: I also understand that a lot of people apply for mod, so getting around to it can take time, but my point still stands


The thing with mod apps is moderators can Denie a application if either they don't have enough hours or they have permission from a admin to denie a application. In accepting them only admins do so because they are the only ones that can promote them either way. Usually admins just do a giant sweep of them

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If you want to help fix it. You’re more than welcome to apply for mod.


That's a nice thought but it takes a month + in most cases for mod applications to be accepted, I know mine has taken a month so far. (Not bitching or trying to get my app looked at, but in general it seems to take ages.)


*However in fairness bad apps are denied quickly enough, it's accepting them that's the problem.


If I'm wrong and missing something, feel free to correct me.


*Addendum: I also understand that a lot of people apply for mod, so getting around to it can take time, but my point still stands



To be fair, most mod apps, if good enough, are accepted within a week. I know mine was and I’m sure most of the current mods were too.


But being as Theres only two truly active admins and sugr doesn’t want to promote another active one, it’s takes awhile.

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