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I've had several arguments with Zek saying that he doesn't scam. No one decided to get anything about him scamming so we can finally put the argument to rest. Knowing me, I like to expose retards for their bullshit.



This proof is the biggest out of them all. This is the Team Fortress 2 scam. Read it and come up with your own conclusion.



This is showing Zek has a trade ban. From what I can guess from the TF2 scam, he definetly got banned from scamming.



As you can also notice, he is hiding his account. I told the people in Discord about it and this is a really good argument.


Also, if you go to his steam rep, he has about 9 alts. Who in the heck needs that many alts? Seems mighty suspicious. (I don't have a picture of it yet, but from what n0name said, he has a shit ton of accounts.)

There is also this. He blamed sugar for his lost of money thinking he stole it from him and he got hacked when he can't even back it up with evidence. Basically attempting to lie about loosing his money so he can get more. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3912&highlight=zek


Like I said, no one was going to do it. I wanted to show that Zek can't lie, and that we see through his bullshit.


After this, Zek, just confirm you are a scammer, and be glad that you don't have to lie anymore. You can't lie about this anymore, we got plenty of proof.



EDIT: About that rep thing, I found the website that shows ALL of his accounts. http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198093589043


And this image that shows a warning for him doing fraud _5c667f6815c4c734550d92db8397e21c-png.jpg?width=930&height=586

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*Zek* Mommy!! Can I please have a computer! *Zek's mom* Sure sweetie! *Zek on computer* Hmmm this is boring, I think I should make 9 steam accounts and make me some money!! :D. Gets trade banned on all accounts... *Zek* Ugh... What a waste of time. *Zek* Ehh its alright, I will just make me some money on gmod.

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I wont even bother reading , I already said I scammed on steam but what I also said is "I never scammed on titsrp" I mean if it makes you feel better to put me in a bad spot do it lol .


If you want more detailed I scammed 600$ worth of items in TF2 with only 0.75$ spent on the game . I'm not proud of it but if you want to know ... I never said anything about this and you should get more information right before posting it . You're making a fool of yourself

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I wont even bother reading , I already said I scammed on steam but what I also said is "I never scammed on titsrp" I mean if it makes you feel better to put me in a bad spot do it lol


Now that's a lie. I already said that you attempted to scam on getting more money after saying you were lying about getting "hacked" on TitsRP

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I wont even bother reading , I already said I scammed on steam but what I also said is "I never scammed on titsrp" I mean if it makes you feel better to put me in a bad spot do it lol


Now that's a lie. I already said that you attempted to scam on getting more money after saying you were lying about getting "hacked" on TitsRP


I did not have a recording system at the time , I just had no proof I had lost my money , that doesn't mean there is proof that I didn't so you're just assuming it .

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I wont even bother reading , I already said I scammed on steam but what I also said is "I never scammed on titsrp" I mean if it makes you feel better to put me in a bad spot do it lol


Now that's a lie. I already said that you attempted to scam on getting more money after saying you were lying about getting "hacked" on TitsRP


I did not have a recording system at the time , I just had no proof I had lost my money , that doesn't mean there is proof that I didn't so you're just assuming it .


Yet you still blamed Sugar for the lost of your money and you still made the post about loosing your money even if you had no proof. You could of just PMed sugar, but instead you made a huge deal about it by making a shit fest on the forums.

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