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Mass Staff Demotion Needs to be implace


What has happened to you?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What has happened to you?

    • Staff ignored my sits sending over 5 requests
    • Staff Claimed they were AFK during a 10min wait
    • Staff Didnt handle the situation until the user left which lead to no punishment.
    • Staff Ignored the rule breaker until they were affected by it.
    • Staff do not claim sits but are hanging out.
    • Staff are only answering my sit to deny it after 5 claims and I decide to spam sits requests

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Well most mods don't give a shit about taking sits since Tmods are their slaves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


mods are mods because we put in our blood, sweat, and tears already. I did almost ALL the sits alone for how long? I think I deserve to be a bit more picky now that there's an actual staff presence at all. All these noo kidz complain that staff don't do anything, but a few months ago you couldn't spot a staff with binoculars so...

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Well most mods don't give a shit about taking sits since Tmods are their slaves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


mods are mods because we put in our blood, sweat, and tears already. I did almost ALL the sits alone for how long? I think I deserve to be a bit more picky now that there's an actual staff presence at all. All these noo kidz complain that staff don't do anything, but a few months ago you couldn't spot a staff with binoculars so...


If you are bleeding, sweating or crying because of roleplay you need to take a break for a while

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Well most mods don't give a shit about taking sits since Tmods are their slaves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


mods are mods because we put in our blood, sweat, and tears already. I did almost ALL the sits alone for how long? I think I deserve to be a bit more picky now that there's an actual staff presence at all. All these noo kidz complain that staff don't do anything, but a few months ago you couldn't spot a staff with binoculars so...


If you are bleeding, sweating or crying because of roleplay you need to take a break for a while


it's a figure of speech. stay in school please

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No offense Eric, yet i do agree with you. As staff i won't name, any names but it is annoying to have to take sits and when you're asking for help to handle these sits that are being spammed, it's really annyoning when some staff members do nothing but RP, it's like why are you staff? just so you can stop people from rdming you, which btw is a shit reason to become staff.  but TBH this isn't the first post about staff issues nor it will be the last, plus didn't you make a staff app? Not the best idea to stir up drama. Pixel and other staff are aware of this issue. Personally I have done everything in darkrp and so i don't bitch like some people when taking sits. Unless im super tired from work. Anyways this is an issue and will hopefully be fixed but for the mean time. Try not making post like this and just talk to higher ups. btw if you're one of those people who make reports like "i got rdm dsafdsaiufhuaidshfuidashfuisadhfuiads" or if your not specfic I won't answer. Why should i put the effort to help that person when they won't put any effort in a simple report. By the way title is totally click bait. I think you're reaching out to far. Whats funny is i made a similar post https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=5559 like what month and half ago maybe 2! then the next month after that another post like yours happen, then this month you. So congratulation for being this months talking about how staff aren't doing so well winner. Welcome to the club m8 lol at least my post had a better title. TRASHY TITS BB.

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I'm glad I saw this post im about to tear onto some ass. Okay kalysta or blue tiger or w.e you call yourself you are litterly known for not taking sits so I take that hard to believe you was taking sits lmfao shut that shit up stop fake flexxing for the fourms lol. I believe when I made my application I said yes I will continue to rp and do you know how hard it is to watch a base and take sits, today I lost my base doing a sit  and piixel come on dude you have a fire CC and 100m you have no reason but to take sits. And half the sits people be reporting be so dumb for example from this kid aand12 make a sit every TIME HE FUCKING DIES "RDM HALP" "WAVY CAN YOU COME HERE" then I get pms from people saying can you tp to me I need help and tell them make a sit then they dont make a sit then call me a shit mod like wtf. And for you eric broo you made you're sit like 2 times and here you are on the fourms  moaning cause you couldn't get a simple sit taken and the sit was a misunderstanding ALOT OF YOU PEOPLE GOT YALL NERVS TO COMPLAIN @KALYSTA REALLY SHUT LIP U DON'T TAKE SITS AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE WAVY SAID SO (stone cold) 


Me releasing anger from people and issue's felt like I had to say this stuff try yo best to understand me I get off topic and start talking everywhere.

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I'm glad I saw this post im about to tear onto some ass. Okay kalysta or blue tiger or w.e you call yourself you are litterly known for not taking sits so I take that hard to believe you was taking sits lmfao shut that shit up stop fake flexxing for the fourms lol. I believe when I made my application I said yes I will continue to rp and do you know how hard it is to watch a base and take sits, today I lost my base doing a sit  and piixel come on dude you have a fire CC and 100m you have no reason but to take sits. And half the sits people be reporting be so dumb for example from this kid aand12 make a sit every TIME HE FUCKING DIES "RDM HALP" "WAVY CAN YOU COME HERE" then I get pms from people saying can you tp to me I need help and tell them make a sit then they dont make a sit then call me a shit mod like wtf. And for you eric broo you made you're sit like 2 times and here you are on the fourms  moaning cause you couldn't get a simple sit taken and the sit was a misunderstanding ALOT OF YOU PEOPLE GOT YALL NERVS TO COMPLAIN @KALYSTA REALLY SHUT LIP U DON'T TAKE SITS AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE WAVY SAID SO (stone cold) 


Me releasing anger from people and issue's felt like I had to say this stuff try yo best to understand me I get off topic and start talking everywhere.



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I mean he/she/it is not wrong lol. 


There are some staff who would take sits all the time and we are grateful for them, but there are some staff during peak hours who would rather walk around and mic spam as a hobo, play Mayor, or even just rp in general when sits are just being thrown at them. It gets to the point where people complains in ooc and the staff would just yell at you for being patience. 


There is nothing to be patient for if some staff is just goofing around and not taking sit. 

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So first off as Piixel says there are a few staff that are not very active at all and do not do sits for hours HOWEVER just like dima says mods are not there to babysit players for a single RDM and the regular players do not always follow the guidelines as mods know all too well. Same goes for mods where some sits that should not be claimed are claimed anyways such as the "admin to me plz" which take time to even figure out the player's problem in the first place and takes away time for doing other things like other sits OR RPing.


The biggest gripe between regular players and staff is that players usually want the staff team to take as many sits as possible and only that meanwhile staff are also there to RP. The issue in this is when we as a staff team are being spammed sits and still not enough of the staff will accept sits which goes over to people making posts like this one.


Conclusion: the staff team needs to be better at taking the right sits and if alot of sits are coming in to try their best to end RP and work through sits to best improve the TitsRP experience™. The players need to follow sit guidelines to reduce clutter and unnecessary sits form mods which will encourage staff to take sits that actually need to be done and rp in downtime aswell.



Should there be a mass demotion of staff? No, not in my opinion. 

Should we all work for a better server Players and staff alike? Yes, not just the staff should try

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I get it, I live it sometimes too. It's pretty annoying to get called non-stop for "stupid" sits that people can solve themselves (No honestly, just google how to make fading doors, sorry but holy shit its not hard. Stop bothering staffs with it lol) Or simply having to deal with edgy tryhards who lost a shotgun to a mass rdmer and will NOT stop bothering you about that 3k they lost for your whole life .But you also ARE a staff for a reason, is farming those 2 printers more important than dealing with the mass rdmer? Most likely not. If you are ACTUALLY been doing sits for 6 hours straight while the 5 other staff members are jacking off, why not ask them to do some for you? Communication is key!



To players: Oh come on, its a darkrp server. Yeah I get it the staff are here to help out and they should help out since they applied for it. But that doesn't mean they are your bitch. You shouldn't expect someone to be your slave just because they got a staff tag right next to their name. But it doesn't mean that they can ignore you. It's more of a 


Player: "Hey can you help?"


Admin: "Sure" or "Hold on fam" or....well, it does happens sometimes 


Admin:"No sorry Im busy you should ask someone else for that sit/use @ for an admin!"


NOW, don't get me wrong, I AM NOT promoting lazy behavior. Im simply saying that each side should balance things a little bit. Some staff should do some more sits, and some players shouldn't be uptight about everything and use the @ everytime something happens. Look player, if you got rdm'ed by a bounty hunter because he saw your name on the bounty board without pickpocketing a cop first. Instead of calling for an admin so he can explain the bounty hunter rules, why not talk to him himself and explain the rules yourself? You know the rule, so why not talk to him by yourself? If you can't find him send him a PM, if he's not answering/rdm's you again/calls you a fuckface. Then sure call an admin! But you are a grown up (most of you) now. You have a mouth/fingers...use them!


Of course, if someone is mass rdming then report it, what im saying is, just use common sense and try to not bother each sides for no good reason at all. We are here to RP and have fun, not to yell at each other because people don't know how to play the game/doesn't wanna play the game and ruin it for everyone.





But, what about "breaks"? oh boy, that's a funny one.



Breaks? Does it mean that staffs can't have a little 10 mins break to go chill after a huge sit? Depends.






People should balance things a little bit. Staff, do more sits. Players, take a chill pill on the @ button. Talk to the person who killed you and do stuff yourself, don't ask staff to hold your hands. Also staff stop being edgy about how much work you put into the server 90% of you have been here for less than a year.







Not really related, but this sums up this whole staff/player situation [attachment=724]

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