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Mass Staff Demotion Needs to be implace


What has happened to you?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What has happened to you?

    • Staff ignored my sits sending over 5 requests
    • Staff Claimed they were AFK during a 10min wait
    • Staff Didnt handle the situation until the user left which lead to no punishment.
    • Staff Ignored the rule breaker until they were affected by it.
    • Staff do not claim sits but are hanging out.
    • Staff are only answering my sit to deny it after 5 claims and I decide to spam sits requests

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I have noticed all too well how the staff would enjoy roleplaying and show no interest torwards other players complaints unless it affects them. Half of the staff are in clans with players on the server so they can try and get away with breaking rules and denying any claims on it. From what I have seen a manager needs to get on and take charge in being sure the staff team is efficiently doing their roles in making sure they keep the server safe.

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I cannot personally spectate and follow staff around to nit pick each and every one that I see doing what is stated above. So placing this in the report would be invalid and would more than likely be ignored. This is just a statement and  poll that proper action needs to be taken and to show what people have been affected by this.

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This is going to be heard regardless. I know first-hand this is an issue. I know a few staff are extremely inactive and some that are even active don't staff, at all. This will hopefully catch the eye of someone who matters/can do something to help or fix the situation

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I was on yesterday and I took literally almost every sit that came up when I was on. I had to remind other mods to take them because me and another mod were the only 2 out of like 5 or 7 mods. That's disappointing tbh but, eh. Im sorta inactive now so it doesnt really bother me as much anymore.

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I ended up removing my post here because i completely change my mind, there are some staff that are inactive and/or dont do sits just as piixel said now that I think about it.


Yeah, you're new... you'll see them on frequently taking breaks. But they just don't do anything

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I can tell you from experience, that a shitstorm of drama and malice is coming toward you. Most of the staff don't take kindly to people stirring the pot, especially when it calls into question their staffing abilities. 


Now what I will say is yes, 90% of the staff team are lazy. They have to be constantly babysat and made to take sits. This is partially the reason why I resigned from staffing the server, and instead now only staff the forums. Often only one or two staff do anything on a daily basis and it affects the opinion of the staff team as a whole. 


I do agree that a massive staff overhaul needs to occur, however the issue is that all of our staff are selected via applications. There is no guarantee that if we mass demoted, and then brought in a whole new staff team that the new staff would be any good at all. Actually to the contrary, the new staff would almost assuredly be complete shit. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. One that even sugar has acknowledged many times.

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I made 3 sits today not a single on answered

I can tell you from experience, that a shitstorm of drama and malice is coming toward you. Most of the staff don't take kindly to people stirring the pot, especially when it calls into question their staffing abilities. 


Now what I will say is yes, 90% of the staff team are lazy. They have to be constantly babysat and made to take sits. This is partially the reason why I resigned from staffing the server, and instead now only staff the forums. Often only one or two staff do anything on a daily basis and it affects the opinion of the staff team as a whole. 


I do agree that a massive staff overhaul needs to occur, however the issue is that all of our staff are selected via applications. There is no guarantee that if we mass demoted, and then brought in a whole new staff team that the new staff would be any good at all. Actually to the contrary, the new staff would almost assuredly be complete shit. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. One that even sugar has acknowledged many times.


you calling me shit?

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"DO NOT call an admin for a single RDM, go talk to guy who killed you or ask in OOC why he killed you

DO NOT call an admin without a specified reason. Ex: "ADMIN 2 ME PLZ" is not allowed  "Hey admin, player x is mass RDMing right now, can you help out?"

DO NOT call an admin for general questions, ask people in OOC or the forums

DO NOT call an admin constantly. Spamming admin chat will have you kicked / banned

DO NOT call an admin for moderator applications. Just apply on the forums

DO NOT call an admin for a refund on weapons or money, we can not spawn weapons or money"


-motd / Rules



1. Staff are not solely YOUR babysitter. If your specific sit isn't being taken it's because your report looks like dogshit or everyone is busy / unavailable. They could be too involved in an RP scenario to leave at the time (yes, we CAN play the game as well as staff), AFK, or busy with another sit or other sits already which may even be higher priority than yours.

2. I have a lot of times when I am trying to take sits like I actually want to do just sits and either none come in or they all get taken by other staff before I can get to them so I go back to RP.

3. And then when I'm in the middle of an RP or another sit, a sit comes up that I can't take at the time or people come up to me in person asking for help while I'm already doing something either a sit or an RP (don't do this to mods+ we don't appreciate it at all).

OH YEAH and staff taking sits that involve them is a good thing.


It still removes bad players that don't need to be here and it is much faster to do them because you already know what happened. We don't make money off of them either so I don't get your issue with that.

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