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  1. 1. Who should I interview for the paper

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Titty Times: First Edition

This is the first official paper, the last one was just a test run to see if people even gave a shit. Expect it every Friday in the afternoon PST. We really hope you like it. As always it's just Lucio and I making these so if anyone is interested. Pm me through discord or the forums.



Work Stories: Jungle Book XXX

By Films is Truth


I used to work at a movie theater when I was in high school and I remember this moment that was funny as heck but at the same time fucked up. I just clocked off to go lunch, and I saw my friend Jack who looked super out of it. I asked him "Yo, you ok dude?" He replies with "Films, there are 2 people fucking in the back of the Jungle book movie!" I was laughing and thought he was bullshit, I then walked in to see if he was telling the truth..... Jack was telling the truth. I saw two people just going at it, and they weren't even the people you would even want to watch make out or do stuff with. They looked like those weird kids who sat in the corner during lunch. I walked out the movie and said we need to get a manger, and so we got Jessy and she then thought we were full of shit. She then did the same thing i did earlier and walked in, and came backed out horrified. She said " I'm not dealing with this shit today." She then got the GM who just marched up there and was right next to them telling them they needed to leave. Guess what happen? THEY DIDN'T LEAVE! They like completely ignored her. The GM went back and said the cops would be in the theater in 5 mins and boom they left. What's fucked up about this is, they fucked in a theater where a movie for kids was playing. Like I'm pretty sure those kids were learning more than the bear necessities. Another thing I didn't get is why she didn't restrain them or why she even told them. They would of been arrested and charged, but hey who knows. If you're sex life is that bad where you need to scar some kids in a theater. You need to rethink your life because that seems pretty sad to me. I have a lot of messed up stories from pass work experiences but that will be for a later story.



Tits RP Memes

By Lucio








Good Reports Guide (don't take offense if you see your report)

By Films Is Truth

Have you ever wonder why its 67 percent denied reports and 33 percent accepted reports? It's simple. People make really bad reports. You either get reports where you wonder, Why the fuck are you even posting this? This isn't even worth reporting. Sometimes reports actually have a good case but either lack evidence or the person who reported it at first went full rage mode and started disrespecting like crazy. Well, I'm here to show you guys what a bad report looks like and what a good report looks like. Seems like most people don't know these days. I'll give you a hint, if you don't have evidence then you're chances of getting accepted are super low.



Here's a good one! This one is a bad report and I'm going to explain why. First of all, He's reporting for his friend. My opinion the person who actually got "wrongfully" banned should have made the report. That's like if your friend made your ban appeal. What's funny about his friend's report is his friend fucks him over and I will show you that pic in a bit. Now one tiny detail is his grammar and spelling is off. How should we take this report seriously when you can't even proofread it. Lastly throwing in some disrespect never helps your case. This basically just sets up a tone of that you're just super salty and no one wants to help salt. They want to help pepper cause he/she is peppy and chill.

Did I forget that he didn't even have the right format beforehand, luckily he fixed it fast. Or else it would have been denied. Trust me a lot of reports have just been denied because of wrong formatting. It's not hard people!

I like this pic! it basically says, yeah....... your friend still broke the rules still. Not to mention his report might have made an effect on the slapper swep for CC. If anything the reporter just fucked up and might be the cause of the slapper maybe being removed from CC. Now, this dude just ruined everybody's fun times.

The dude who got banned finally speaks and says it's an accident. Which if you remember what I said earlier. I said his friend fucks him over. Well, his friend said in I quote "he asked if he could slap films and films didn't reply so he said ok and slapped him." You're friend just admitted that you did it on purpose and your story doesn't match with his. Don't you know anything about prison. Your stories need to match up!



[align=center]Now let's get that bad taste of a bad report out of our mouths, and let's look at a good report that got a staff member demoted. As you can see it's plain and simple. It gets to the point and it's just perfect.


Can we just applaud this player for knowing how to make a good report! Felt like giving credit where credit is due.


Then again the staff member he reported on was dumb as bricks and gave probs the worst response of all time.

Nevermind he topped his answer.

As you can see this staff basically just calls it right here.

He did it! that sweet sweet word of accepted and demoted. Now that's how you make a change and how you make a good report. If you guys follow what crows format, and make a report that's serious and aren't bullshit and actually have evidence. Then the ratio between accepted and denied would not be so bad.


Phone n shit

by Lucio

[align=center]Ever wondered how fast charging works? Well, you came to the right place. Usually, people try to plug their phone in before sleeping. Yet sometimes we do forget to do it before bed. Fear not, for fast charging is here! Fast charging is available for many new phones, tablets, etc. The main reason why charging often takes such a long time is that the common wall charger operates at 5 watts or less. This is a manufacturing choice to ensure that wall charger production stays cheap. It also is in place to protect the small batteries found within mobile devices. Despite this, many modern devices can take much more strain. Fast charging adapters takes advantage of this and can operate at 20 watts or more, depending on your device. Many fast charge companies have developed a “handshaking” process. This process involves a conversation between the device and the charger. The charger basically asks the device how much it can handle and the charger. distributes accordingly. Keep this in mind because if your phone can’t handle it, no fast charger will outperform any regular charger. You also may have to buy a new cord as most standard cords can’t handle this amount of power.


All information from this article was found from this video:



Roast of the week

By Films is Truth


That was you're roast of the week if you got any JUICY ROAST screen capped. Then pm Films is truth and you might be featured. The roast must be from the Titsrp forums, Titsrp server, Titsrp, or the Titsrp Discord.


Thanks for reading this week paper! give me dat rep for making this paper, and as always don't forget to comment and vote.





Btw sorry for the short paper this week, we had some miss communication issues, and also Please allow me to post more than 10 pics. It was super annoying I had to convert it to link form for most of the pics. Anyways hope you guys like this weeks.

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We see enough of dindu and the rest of those people, get some one good like neko, erston, wantednearby, valentine or sugar and if u really want people to read find zeshthedoge and ask him why he went rogue we want gold not trash but love the article big fan

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