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The Film is Truth

What should the papers name be!  

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  1. 1. What should the papers name be!

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Welcome to the first ever, Tits RP Paper! We will be showing off our paper every Friday sometime in the afternoon PST. So far our staff team is super small. AKA just Lucio and I, but we hope in the coming weeks we grow in our staff team and bring the best content on to this paper. Like I said before you can expect almost everything to be on this paper,

but of course, we won't be breaking any forum rules so calm your horses. If you are interested in joining the paper at all, please contact Films is Truth. Either through PM or Discord. We really hope you enjoy this paper as we had a lot of fun making it. Please make sure to give us your thoughts below and vote for what the papers name should be.


The Interview with

Strive (Not the Real Chair)


The Host of the Interview

Films is Truth



[align=left]                                                                                What made you want to staff on Tits RP?


Mainly just to help out, I saw other people take sits, and I thought that seemed pretty cool. Plus I got rdmed a lot, and so I wanted to stop that from happening to me. I did it at first for selfish reasons if you think about it. As I continued with my staffing experience, I had fun with it.


                                                                                       Favorite part about the server?

[align=center]I love how the server is always being updated, and if there are any bugs those get fixed pretty easily.... well except for this week with sugar and all. I know bad timing am I right


Who is your favorite staff?

Strive: "don't make me say this."[/align]

Film: "No I want you to tell me, I want you to piss someone off, haha."

Strive: "Dindu since I knew him as a user and he was super nice to me when I was a player, and then staff.


                                                                    If you were the owner of Tits RP for a day, what would you do?

                                                         I would abuse the shit out of Neko. I would publicly humiliate him!


Favorite things to do outside of the server?

[align=center]Play soccer and smoke that dank candy. Smoking is for loser kids, but for real I like chilling with my friends.


See any good movies lately?

What kind of question is that? I don't watch a lot of movies, I watch a lot of TV. This angered Filmz as he is a movie buff, and so he grabbed a chair and smashed him with it. The interview later continued. I SAW THE EMOJI MOVIE. With Filmz pointing a gun at him.

Filmz:" best movie ever right?"

Strive:" yes it was the best movie ever"

Filmz:" who's your favorite character?"

Strive:" the high 5 guy?"

Shoots Strive


[align=center]We later continued the interview, when Strive got resurrected by Tits RP necromancer.


fuck, marry, kill, Walter White, Jerry Seinfeld, or Eric Cartmen?

Marry Jerry, he's funny and I know our love will be great! Plus he did the Bee movie.

Kill cartmen, he’s annoying... Filmz "he's also 12 so it would make you a pedo if you married or fucked him.

[align=center]Fuck Walter White, So then I can say I am the one who knocks... into his asshole!


If you could poop anywhere you want, where would you poop?

[align=center]the hood of a car of my bitch of a teacher


You have a bomb on your chest, do you cut the red or blue wire?

The blue wire, because blue is cool.

[align=center]Filmz:"damn right it is, you live buddy!"


Do you like water?

[align=center]I am drinking water right now! Water is pretty amazing.


Would you kick Lindsay Lohan in the balls?

[align=center]Yes! she drunk drives all the time. What a reckless person.


What made you come up with the name Strive

I went through so many usernames, and When I started playing CS: GO a lot. I wanted a name that just felt cool, and Strive was then born.[/align]



[align=center]How to be a Moderator on Tits RP

By Lucio


So, you think you got what it takes to babysit 90 players? Think again. You gotta train to acquire those kinds of skills. So that’s why I, a former tmod, will help you become Sugar 2.0.



First off, you gotta make a staff app. This part is tricky. Make sure you DO NOT space any of your answers out. Mods hate that. Also, do not color code ANY of your answers. Mods abhor any use of color in apps. The blander the better as Booper always says. All of your answers should be, at max, 2 lines. Any more than that and you’re done for. The section called “unlimited liners” is just a trap to catch any snobby Shakespeare's out there.



Once your app is accepted, which it will be if you use this guide, you are invincible. All rules that users have to adhere to are of no importance to a tmod. There are very few rules that tmods/mods have to follow. I’ve made a handy dandy list for any slow folks out there.


[align=left]Rule                                                Reason to follow them                                                            

1.Do not take more than 1 sit per hour                            How else would other staff get their chance in the limelight?

2.Use no clip whenever you walk more than 10 feet         Who the heck would walk around the map when you can fly?

3.Always teleport to fellow staff without asking     Privacy? Who cares if they wanna be left alone? You have a very important meme you need to show them!

4.If you don’t want to be demoted, just ban anyone who reports you!  They’re just players, they have no clue what the rules are!


After you reach a grand ‘ole total of 150 sits, you get promoted to super tmod (AKA Moderator). You get to do cool stuff like grab people with your physygun and ban anyone who raids you for 7 days!


Once you have banned enough rule breakers, you get promoted to Head Admin! You did so well, because of this guide, that you completely skip over Admin! Now you get to demote people who stop paying their rent to be staff.


And last but not least, you get to challenge Sugar to a duel! It can be any place, any game, anytime. He must accept it. Winner gets the server, and the loser gets swatted.



  Thanks for reading my guide! Hope it helps in your future as staff!





[align=center]Tyler The Creator Album Review

BY Films is Truth[/align]




[align=left]Tyler The Creator, you may know from his work on Loiter Squad. You may also know him from various Vice shows, but if you're like most fans. You know him from his music. Tyler just released his new album Flower Boy or Scum Fuck Flower Boy. Whichever one you prefer. This album is stacked with amazing talents of Frank Ocean, Jaden Smith, Lil Wayne, and much more. In this review, I want to go through each song and spout my feelings for it. "Foreword" the first song, really talks about materialistic things and how Tyler is struggling on whether or not if he should conform or not. This speaks a powerful message as the rap industry is all about booty, big cars, and rain money on dem hoes. If you ever watch a Tyler the Creator interview, he's a carefree dude who just wants to do whatever the fuck he wants and smoke all the dank kush. This song had a great beat to it. His next song "where the Flower Blooms" Really just has great rhythm and if you ever listen to any of Tyler's songs. Frank Ocean and Tyler just have great chemistry and can just make a great song together. I do want to note there are some songs that are like 35 seconds and a min but those are like short intros to the next song, but I wanted to mention them as I just love an artist that turns a 48 min album into a flesh out story. His next song is "See you again" This song really just speaks to the people who just felt crazy for a girl/guy to where all you can think about is that person... but like not in a weird way either. This song is very emotional but at the same time has great rhythms to blast to as well, It's like a romantic action song if you think about it. "Who Dat Boy" is this aggressive fun song that you can really dance to at the clubs and shit. The song is about a horrible disfigurement in a way, and how one surgery changed that all. Note ASAP Rocky verses were smooth and just felt fresh as always. "Pot hole" and "Garden shed" had the same vibe but weren't really interesting but I will note that It does show us more of Tyler's softer side, that he doesn't really show anyone else. "Boredom" is just a song that really tells people to go do something before it's too late. In a way, its a scary type feeling thinking about death but It does it in a calm way, and the song really makes you think. "I ain't got time" Just like who Dat boy, it's aggressive and has that in your face emotion to it and that's the Tyler we all fell for, but this is where controversy happens, as people started questioning his sexuality with the lyrics he made in these songs, and from someone who is a fan of Tyler, He is a bisexual. How do I know? Well, Tyler basically said it himself because he doesn't give a fuck. If he wants to fuck he will fuck. Plain and simple. He is Tyler the Creator he's not the most normal guy, but an interesting character. "Mr. Lonely" is a great song, that talks about how you should not let loneliness get in your way, but does it in a classic Tyler theme style. So there is a chorus and some verses and such. November and Glitter were alright but weren't songs I connected with or cared for. In the end, this album just went all out and had a few bumps but 8.4/10 Makes this a great album to listen to anytime.


If you want to Listen to his album you can find it on Spotify, and other music services




[align=center]MEME PAGE









Spain’s immigration influx

By Lucio

Spain has received over three times the amount of migrants as it did during this period last year. This means that Spain’s sea arrivals, 8,385, could match Greece’s 11,713 migrants. The change is likely due to the fact that Spain offers more assistance to those within its borders. Spain remains very far behind Italy (96,861). On wednesday, a makeshift boat floated to a popular tourist beach. The craft had approximately 30 migrants, 9 of which have been found. Most were teens and, despite not having ID, they said they were from Morocco. Médecins Sans Frontières says Spain’s reception centres are overloaded and can't respond to new arrivals.




By Films is Truth


Hey guys its Filmz Scarce Star here back again with another article talking about some serious drama that went down this week on Tits RP. I am Wearing all the flannels today because I want to whore myself out for some Youtube views today.... Or Tits RP forum views.


Our first story for today and this one is a big one, This group started hacking Tits RP guys, and I'm talking about they started kicking people from the server, Stealing everyone's money, and clearing inventories. I know guys this is soooooooo crazzzzzyyyy, and not to mention They Started waving their huge dicks on the server by fucking the servers Tits. I have a theory who it could be the hackers.... pause for suspense It was Sugar himself who did all this hacking. Think about it! He's gone when all this hacking begins and none of the staff can't do anything about this. Seems fishy and I know this all sounds crazy, and some people may say where is my proof and I say fuck you is my proof. He did it for the insurance money. Now Sugar is so rich, He's snorting all the coke from them Tits RP Tits. Is this the death of Tits RP? I hope not or I'm out of the job and I have to move into my mom's basement. Then again she does make Totino's Pizza rolls. This is such a hard choice to make.


Our next story for the day was some drama between Zek and Wavy, and They started beefing on Twitter, and this is a legit tweet from Wavy, "come fight me fool, you know where to find me." Wow, guys, that is intense and I just found out there is a video of this fight. Damn that fight was lit. My mouth is just raining money. Can't belive gangs were involved.



Our last story for the day. Dindu who is now an admin started doing some sketchy shit around the server. He dressed up as Homer Simpson and just did some horrible things to people, the footage you're about to see is disturbing. WATCH SO I GET MORE MONEY YOU FUCKS! poor lenny.


Well, Thanks for reading guys. That was some CRAZZZZZYYY DRAMA. Now back to my popcorn and My flannels sucking my big King Kong cock.
















There is a few formatting issues, and for some stupid reason I can't post more than 1 vid, so I just put some of the vids except for 1 in link form. We really hope you guys like this and we will see you all next week. Don't forget to vote and if you want to be a writer pm me

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