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Not Steve

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Yeah , how the server acted and what happened yesterday from witnesses  someone got banned on 4 different account for accesing admin commands and someone commented  "UnrealSkybox owns the server" How the server acts is more like someone is controlling it . They played meme songs in the background and stripped people from weapons . I do think it's a hacker .

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here is a "hint" i guess


Hook.lua:110 is the calling for the lua code of NPC. 


Good try though lmao.


I did see someone fucking with the server though

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I managed to get in contact with him and figured out how/who he was. Most we can do is hope he's moved on. That hook.lua M0RD was talking about is what he saw in his console.

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Well the guy that did the "backdoor" knew that Sugar is the owner of TitsRP, he might be a long time playing and waited the "right moment" (when Sugar is AFK) to mess up his server

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Well the guy that did the "backdoor" knew that Sugar is the owner of TitsRP, he might be a long time playing and waited the "right moment" (when Sugar is AFK) to mess up his server


I can almost guarantee you this is not the case. He has not even an hour played on the server played on any of the accounts.

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