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Admins and Mods why are you guys not doing your jobs in the server

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Said this in the shoutbox but i will say it here as well. Mate admins are humans to they can only do so much. It says there are 80+ people on. There are probs other reports that need handled and they are probs busy. Be patient mate

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Before you ask this question, ask yourself "could i handle being a staff member on a community that is 65% minges" if your answer is no then you have no room to complain. If your answer is yes then put your money where your mouth is and make a staff app, we'll see how long you last.


Now to the point. On a ninety person server, usually we have seven staff on tops. At night we can easily get two-hundred reports in an hour, but at night is also when the fewest staff are on, usually only about four. I'll let you do the staff per sit ratio yourself there. (Hint its 50 sits per staff with four staff on) we deal with a lot, so if we don't get to your issue odds are were busy with one that's more pressing. Try seeing it from our side before outright complaining about it.

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Before you ask this question, ask yourself "could i handle being a staff member on a community that is 65% minges" if your answer is no then you have no room to complain. If your answer is yes then put your money where your mouth is and make a staff app, we'll see how long you last.


Now to the point. On a ninety person server, usually we have seven staff on tops. At night we can easily get two-hundred reports in an hour, but at night is also when the fewest staff are on, usually only about four. I'll let you do the staff per sit ratio yourself there. (Hint its 50 sits per staff with four staff on) we deal with a lot, so if we don't get to your issue odds are were busy with one that's more pressing. Try seeing it from our side before outright complaining about it.


If you take night shift like I do, usually it's more like 1 or 2 for a couple of hours. Most staff members play in the morning so there is way more staff on there. But for night, you might wait a little longer since there are so little on!

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Before you ask this question, ask yourself "could i handle being a staff member on a community that is 65% minges" if your answer is no then you have no room to complain. If your answer is yes then put your money where your mouth is and make a staff app, we'll see how long you last.


Now to the point. On a ninety person server, usually we have seven staff on tops. At night we can easily get two-hundred reports in an hour, but at night is also when the fewest staff are on, usually only about four. I'll let you do the staff per sit ratio yourself there. (Hint its 50 sits per staff with four staff on) we deal with a lot, so if we don't get to your issue odds are were busy with one that's more pressing. Try seeing it from our side before outright complaining about it.


If you take night shift like I do, usually it's more like 1 or 2 for a couple of hours. Most staff members play in the morning so there is way more staff on there. But for night, you might wait a little longer since there are so little on!

Im usually on with Kaly all night, even when she gets off. But i am at the beach rn until Friday sorry man

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Its not that we dont do anything we do a lot its just there is so much minging that we cant go to all the people and we are human to we like to roplay sometimes tobut tbh we try our best and do what we have to do

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