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Retarded Sits and Staff Claiming Them

Golden Pup

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During my time as a Trial Moderator so far, I've seen MANY MANY MANY sits that are just well retarded. "someone stole my radio" "come look at my castle" "my stuff went through the floor can you noclip and get it?". These come in frequently and for some reason they get taken 75% of the time. We have an ignore option and don't use it? I don't understand why they're getting taken for any reason other than just getting your sit count up.

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Because there is an ignore option for a reason? and they take these easy ones before RDM ones? Even Sugar in my training told me to ignore sits that are retarded.


how is helping someone get something from the floor they can't get or informing someone that people are allowed to steal radios on this server retarded. i feel like the ignore sit option is more for sites that are just and i quote  "COME HERE ADMIN OMG OMG" or "F*%K THIS DUMB SERVER". helping someone is helping someone.

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why would staff not help people in any way they can?


Because it sets the precedent that these types of sits are ok.


How are sits like "this is stuck in the ground please help" not ok? staff is here to help.

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