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Player models


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I just had a few thoughts on the player models. I've notice a few that are 1/2 or 1/4 the size of a normal player model (one was like a third eye symbol, one was like an imp, another was a little kid). I've seen models like these used on other servers and they are problematic because their hitboxes are very small compared to the norm. Just something I thought I would mention and get input on, as a model like this can give a player quite the advantage in a gunfight.

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Le Chance is a fucking EGG.


A FUCKING EGG like are you kidding?


Ikr he raided me once it took me 5 minutes to recognize that i was getting blowtorched. 1/2 of his body was in the floor i literally was not able to see him.


I agree player models should be all similar.Some can be shorter and  some can be bigger but not a fucking egg lol.

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I feel that people are now getting player models and sweps for an advantage in raiding and killing people rather than actual role playing and for looks.


The only way I see solving this issue is by Sugar regulating this when people are buying these things.

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To be honest, Cullen is exactly right. I'm almost positive that pigsalot used that player model for an advantage for raiding. and the CC model im picking is for an advantage as well in raiding. (its the dumbass chicken nugget looking Model)

But i think i good way to fix it is to only have models at the normal player height so that no one gets an andvantage. :)

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If you think a playermodel is too small, let me know and I can swap theirs out. All playermodels with a smaller hitbox are adjusted on the server and their screen. Their view is reduced to 50% and their max health they can ever get will stay at 50. If a model goes through the floor, it's not intended and can be swapped out

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If you think a playermodel is too small, let me know and I can swap theirs out. All playermodels with a smaller hitbox are adjusted on the server and their screen. Their view is reduced to 50% and their max health they can ever get will stay at 50. If a model goes through the floor, it's not intended and can be swapped out


If their is pm larger than the normal size will you increase their max health?

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