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I would like to say parties can not be an RP situation enough to get involved and counter here is why: So if one party member in party A starts a hit on a member in party B with this rule this puts the parties at war because they are ALL trying to counter the hit or help the hit.






If A member in party A starts a PD raid the cops can arrest the other party members without them raiding the PD.



If there was a rule saying parties are not RP relations and NOT ENOUGH TO COUNTER:


It would enable more serious RP

It would make less player RDM reports on a party member countering

It would solve many loop holes like the ones above

It would make it more fun and seem more like role play and not get RDM'd | CALL ADMIN | REPEAT.

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I believe that the Parties System would become irrelevant if Party Countering is removed. If it is removed, it results in more RP, yes, but it removes the purpose of having a Party overall. It would then be a System that is just taking up space if there is no point to it.

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