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Loop Holes in Rules


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Just wanted to make this post to address any of the loop holes in the rules, and if anyone has a suggestion for different rules or a change don't be scared to post here.

I will be posting the rules that can be exploited in a bit, currently at work, but if anyone else has any post them here>.

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Any loopholes used can result in a kick or even a ban. You are meant to use common sense. You not using it is stupid and of course you can be punished for it. As of now the rules are fine as is.


not true what so ever. That's why i'm trying to FIX the situation instead of anyone else having to deal with the situation. yesterday a situation lead on for almost 30 minutes over a stupid loop in the rules. This post is for people to post the loop holes and rules that they think needs change. opinions.

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I recall the last kid trying to use a loophole in a ban appeal got perma banned.

Fuck loopholes. Sugar hates loophole kids as much as the rest of the staff team, so don't worry about them. If it comes down to a report, you won't be held responsible if you did the right thing for the server.

By all means try to get them fixed, but it's not as big of a deal as you think it is.

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It kind of is to me because people almost always bring up rules that counter act another, and create some sort of shit situation. I Just want people to notify the community of exploits or rules that need change.

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if you are editing motd please consider making fda rules more clear. i have ran into people who were fdaing many times without them even knowing. for example people don't know that using a button to open a fading door that is being lockpicked is still considered fda.

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Here's the thing that mods need to understand: People who use loopholes are literally stupid.


If you see someone citing a loophole as proof for their actions, add a day onto how ever long you were going to ban them for, and if they call abuse, link them to this post. Unless it's actually your fault, I will take the blame.

This is mainly because I hate loopholers, they just want to break rules without getting punished. Don't let someone scare you into not banning them, ban them anyway.

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