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CP update suggestion

Mr. Peanut Butter

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1. All CP, SWAT, and etc should be given an actual projectile taser. it could function similar to the kidnapper SWEP in that it could disable an individual for a limited time, such as 30 seconds


2. One of the SWAT Commando's assault rifles (either the M4A1 or the AUG, maybe the M4 to make him more unique since most SWAT already have M4s standard) should be replaced with a shotgun or a pistol, because having 2 rifles is basically pointless, and they use the same ammo, so buying a single mag of ammo might be difficult for 2 different guns that use the same type. I mean I get that they have different ranges, but in actual scenarios, I find the SWAT Enforcer is more useful being able to switch between close and long range combat. So since the Commander would outrank them, maybe he could have something more useful.


3. 1 and 2 above are just my opinions! 


-Dima Kirnov

also is there a way to buy ammo for the Nonlethal Rifle? if not you should definitely add one. and please fix the atm bank!!!

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After playing a lot of rainbow six seige, I was thinking of doing an update where I add a lot of CP / Raider jobs with their abilities


This will either come in stages or after another update since I am working on another RP update instead of cops vs raiders

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After playing a lot of rainbow six seige, I was thinking of doing an update where I add a lot of CP / Raider jobs with their abilities


This will either come in stages or after another update since I am working on another RP update instead of cops vs raiders


I would love if you added Blitz's shield.

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After playing a lot of rainbow six seige, I was thinking of doing an update where I add a lot of CP / Raider jobs with their abilities


This will either come in stages or after another update since I am working on another RP update instead of cops vs raiders


Hey! Ive been playing alot of it too! We need like barbed wire that slows people down,and riot shields.


Maybe make a thermal charge that when placed on a prop,cuts a player sized hole in it,like can only be placed on walls or props bigger then the player,idk,would be cool though.But yea make some rainbow six seige stuff,would be lit.

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Nonlethal rifle acts as a taser, it limits movement for a few seconds. I want to say like 10. I like our current system of it "maybe" stunning people, it gives them a chance to run or fight back and doesn't make CP this overpowered job, especially since most of the jobs are non-vote.


Nonlethal takes SMG ammo.


well, the problem with that is that the kidnapper is already overpowered in being able to knock anyone unconscious at any time for no less than 30 seconds. I'm just saying it could be better. instead of the Nonlethal Rifle do a projectile taser that has to be recharged so that it's not too powerful and I think 15 seconds would even be plenty. besides, literally no one other than the person using can tell that the Nonlethal Rifle is, you know, NONlethal, and ppeople who use it usually end up getting merced because people get nervous and think you're RDMing, not realizing it doesn't actually hurt anyone. it is pretty good sometimes, but very rarely. and honestly I wouldn't mind ALL the CP jobs being vote-ins, because that would probably stop RDMers from just picking it because they have weapons or etc. Like maybe we could actually have a chance to guage whether or not they should be allowed to be CP. Also, does the Nonlethal Rifle have variable effects on different player models? because some people are not even phased by a full mag from it and I shot a hobo lord 3 times with it yesterday and he actually died! I don't know if that's what caused It, but it sure seems like it. and I actually felt kind of bad when it happened, and I thought I was about to be in trouble.

After playing a lot of rainbow six seige, I was thinking of doing an update where I add a lot of CP / Raider jobs with their abilities


This will either come in stages or after another update since I am working on another RP update instead of cops vs raiders


Hey! Ive been playing alot of it too! We need like barbed wire that slows people down,and riot shields.


Maybe make a thermal charge that when placed on a prop,cuts a player sized hole in it,like can only be placed on walls or props bigger then the player,idk,would be cool though.But yea make some rainbow six seige stuff,would be lit.


that sounds pretty dope. plus riot shields would be an awesome addition. I didn't even think about that when I posted this thread. barbwire, maybe. but you have to get it like just right, not too strong, not too weak.

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