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[Official] Map Creation Ideas / Suggestions


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The map is already in production by a guy named Gallium which is an experienced map maker. I have a layout I made and I will share it with you all when I think it's time (it doesn't have everything yet).

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I'm so late to the party ???


Only thing I guess I have to add would be a Flea Market somewhere, you know like a bunch of little shops maybe near spawn of a high pop area so it's more cops protecting them and not them building undesirable bases

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So, did we decide if we're making an entirely new map or just expanding on the current one?


He is remaking downtown from scratch with my ideas added into it. Reason being is that the current downtown is almost hitting Source's brush limit and it takes 10+ minutes to compile. Reason why it takes so long is because the brush work is "absolutely abysmal" saying that it's terrible brushwork would be giving it a +1 from the state it is in now. It should theoretically be the same map with it being expanded.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have a designated "Minge Area" Near spawn where people are allowed to RDM each other and test the stupid jobs and etc. maybe it could even be an arena type thing with different obstacles to take cover behind.

have it be covered on all sides except the door which should be connected to spawn block so that there's no stray bullets and have a large, bright red sign that says "MINGE ARENA (YOU WILL DIE)"

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