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FrozenWaffles Mod App is a lie!

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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So I can not reply to his mod app since I am not a mod but I always enjoy reading the mod apps over and I realized something in his app.




At first it just seems like a coincidence but I do not believe that anymore after reading both mod apps side by side.


First thing that threw me off 

Questions 5-11 are identical to Thatoneguy72 and I mean grammar, spacing, caps, EVERYTHING!


Second thing

His answers in the unlimited liner is the exact same ans Thatoneguy72 but he changes the hours and add a little to the end. But the beginning is the exact same! Grammar, spacing, caps, EVERYTHING!


Third thing

In his scenario questions the first one he copied Thatoneguy72 again but added a bit to it

His second scenario question he replace tp with teleport, the rest is the same.

His third scenario question is the exact same as Thatoneguy72, he didn't even change this one.

His fourth scenario question copied and pasted from Thatoneguy72, no changes.

His final scenario question is also copied and pasted from Thatoneguy72.


If you you are so lazy to not even make your own mod app then you should not be a mod or a trial mod.


Thatoneguy72 posted his mod app on January 7th at 12:01pm  https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3600


FrozenWaffles posted his mod app on January 6th at 5:50pm  https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3608


I just wanted to point this out since no one else did.

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He also lied about his play time. Look at my reply to his app. 


The only Alias that popped from his list was "sparky" which was last seen on Christmas.


I was trying to have him explain his alias then call him out for the app


I found no proof that a player named "Johnny the kid" has ever been on the server according to game tracker.



Thatoneguy72 - 1-07-17

FrozenWaffles - 1-08-17


I'm also the only reply on his app.

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