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CCs super bug

Mi cara

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Hey, i was seeing F1 commands, i typed some numbers and tried CCs and guess what, i have access to them, im 99% sure that all of you can use them too, Ex. do /doge69954 and you will be a Doge69 CC, do /lol261 or do  please fix this, because i would use this to have access to almost all the CCs, but 2 things, its so unfair and also, it would be exploit and i would get perma so not. Some other examples are /class_name370 or all the things that include their class number, FIX IT. (im a beast finding bugs)

those clases are:


/class_name370 <-(my class) /class_name376 /xboxclass118 /class_name229 /class_name169 /class_name560 /class_name608 /class_name510 /class_name716 /class_name558 /class_name189 /adank_meme415 /new_age_mafia713 /eeeee210 /wild_bear751 /shadow_scale917 /mcchicken_2_go107 /anal_no_way!551 /echo255 /cyka_blyat924 /pd_trasher933 /a_hobo_devil284 /puggy640 /awood_cartel_member504 /the_good_cone529 /juj896 /a_bloody_nightmare700 /shadow_scale917

i think i found all of them, test them and you will see that there are some that some are good, like /echo255 and some even better (i made this so harleys guardian can see how many CCs you can really join


Priority: HIGH   


Priority: supah dupah low dont care about it (harleys guardian said that it's not even an exploit)

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Its not really a exploit first off.Yea you can get on some classes without permission,but its in the game files,more of a bug that needs a fix.


 because i would use this to have access to almost all the CCs, but 2 things

You DO NOT have access to "almost all classes".There are legit just a few you can get on.So no,you cant get on "Almost all CCs"

You can get on about 10 classes that barley have anything.

There are a small list of a couple more but they have nothing or legit 1 item.


So its not like your getting on the most OP class in the game,nothing super bad.

Not only that you cant edit them or anything.So not that big of a deal.Most of the people dont even play on the server anymore,yea a few do but not that many.



Also,as a example,a kid left the server forever,and passed his class down to me.I use the code so i think its something that doesn't really need a fix.

(^BTW this is a legit thing that happened to me^)

Besides,hardly anyone knows about it,not like everyone is gonna rush and get on the same class that has nothing but a Deagle.

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Its not really a exploit first off.Yea you can get on some classes without permission,but its in the game files,more of a bug that needs a fix.


 because i would use this to have access to almost all the CCs, but 2 things

You DO NOT have access to "almost all classes".There are legit just a few you can get on.So no,you cant get on "Almost all CCs"

You can get on about 10 classes that barley have anything.

There are a small list of a couple more but they have nothing or legit 1 item.


So its not like your getting on the most OP class in the game,nothing super bad.

Not only that you cant edit them or anything.So not that big of a deal.Most of the people dont even play on the server anymore,yea a few do but not that many.



Also,as a example,a kid left the server forever,and passed his class down to me.I use the code so i think its something that doesn't really need a fix.

(^BTW this is a legit thing that happened to me^)

Besides,hardly anyone knows about it,not like everyone is gonna rush and get on the same class that has nothing but a Deagle.

I mean, 

they're using a class they're not supposed to be using because they benefit from not having to buy a class. Sounds like a textbook exploit. Also, it's not just anyone's stuff. Wouldn't say high priority, but it's serious. How'd you feel if anyone could just go /specops and get on your class?

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Its not really a exploit first off.Yea you can get on some classes without permission,but its in the game files,more of a bug that needs a fix.


 because i would use this to have access to almost all the CCs, but 2 things

You DO NOT have access to "almost all classes".There are legit just a few you can get on.So no,you cant get on "Almost all CCs"

You can get on about 10 classes that barley have anything.

There are a small list of a couple more but they have nothing or legit 1 item.


So its not like your getting on the most OP class in the game,nothing super bad.

Not only that you cant edit them or anything.So not that big of a deal.Most of the people dont even play on the server anymore,yea a few do but not that many.



Also,as a example,a kid left the server forever,and passed his class down to me.I use the code so i think its something that doesn't really need a fix.

(^BTW this is a legit thing that happened to me^)

Besides,hardly anyone knows about it,not like everyone is gonna rush and get on the same class that has nothing but a Deagle.

I mean, 

they're using a class they're not supposed to be using because they benefit from not having to buy a class. Sounds like a textbook exploit. Also, it's not just anyone's stuff. Wouldn't say high priority, but it's serious. How'd you feel if anyone could just go /specops and get on your class?

For some reason,its only people with a underscore in the class name like for example.


Like only classes like that 

Also,tunnel its not a exploit,i dont know why you think everything is a exploit,but its not.Its a bug that Sugar accidentally made with classes.

Or just a general bug with a certain few classes.

Yea,need's a fix,but not a high priority.

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Because Harley is a retarded cuck, let me clear up some definitions.


Both bugs and exploits are unintentional side effects due to errors in the game's code. There is a difference, however.


A bug either doesn't effect or is detrimental to the player, while an exploit can be used for unintentional (and sometimes ridiculous) gain. There are times where these can cross though.


Some examples:


Your inventory disappearing completely when you log on - A Bug


Finding a way to duplicate money (and getting banned afterwards, *ahem* Epsilon *ahem*) - An exploit


Logging on one day to find your entire inventory replaced with c4s - A Bug, as it was unintentional. This could also be a side effect of Sugar binge drinking one night.


Using accidental holes in the map's invisible barriers to intentionally get into someone's base - An Exploit, as it is intentionally using a bug to give you an advantage.



TL;DR: A bug is usually bad and an exploit is used for an unfair gain.

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It's an exploit, people can use it to their advantage and it's something that's generally not supposed to be there unless you have permission from the owner



I said something just like that to him in game, he just kept on saying "its not an exploit its a bug"

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