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Update On Gangs + Few Questions


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2) On the subject of money for the server I was curious to know what you think on cosmetic purchases / vanity purchases?


I have some plans on this but I don't think it's worth discussing too far. Just rest assured it wouldn't make anyone more powerful. It's only purpose would to be to either get an item or spawn an item for the whole server. The more money the server makes, the more we can do with it. For example, we can get a dedicated box and host more servers / games on it ($170 a month), we can hire a mapper to make a fully custom map, we could do more and experiment more. You shouldn't have to spend money on a gmod server but I know if I have just a regular box that says "donate here for a dedicated server box" no one is going to put money into it unless there is some perk / reward


Before I get hounded on as I'm guessing everyone skipped this first sentence, I recommend that on the potential new game server we use HogwartsRP, or something unique. I say this because DarkRP is SERIOUSLY generic. There are like at least 1000 darkrp servers running, and maybe about 10 HogwartsRP servers running (probably less, I only see two when I check, but I'm guessing there are more). But this isn't because no one plays HogwartsRP, it's because no server owners are willing to do something they are unsure of, which on a level, makes sense. But I've recently been going on sbs hogwartsrp and that server legit has at least 70 players on, all day all night. From 2:00 p.m. est to 10:00 p.m. est they hit 85 players (their max) and as a result much rp is done. They have the smallest staff team ever, which causes admin requests to take years, I've personally had to call staff like 10 times before one comes (with like 30 second intervals), and they don't yell at me, because they understand. I recommend anyone who's about to write a rant about my suggestion to take a look at both the sbs server and our server, their server has minges, which get banned so quickly, however their rp is monumental, while ours doesn't really have minges, (because everyone is too busy basing) but instead has 0 rp. Another bonus is the fact that rdm is almost nonexistant, you spawn in with no spells so it's not like you can do anything, you have to go to class and learn spells, and there's a chance that you won't even learn an attack spell. The server also rewards loyalness as there is a level system where there are 7 years, after maybe an hour or 2 you hit year 2, then so on. The higher year you are, the better jobs and spells you can learn. It's really quite ingenius and even though there is a year 1 attack spell,  it deals 5-10 damage per hit and is really hard to aim, but year 7 allows you to learn a spell that deals 20-25 damage which is way better. Their jobs are very focused around rp and I honestly love the server, if we had a hogwartsrp server I bet that we'd have at least 20 players within the first 3 days (not including already existing server members), and we can fill the gap that sbs lacks, their lack of staff. Sugar, just ask Crt if you have any insecurities with the idea, he will confirm that this is a good idea. Oh yeah, did I mention that Alyssa plays on that server (she tried to kill me when I called her Alyssa :()?


TL;DR I don't care, read it

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For custom classes, it would be that users can only purchase pistols / small tools on their class along with playermodels and custom weapons. This would benefit the server a lot and keep the majority of the server happy. No user can just buy 10 AK's on their class and no one would scream saying it's just completely unfair because they would have a pistol or possible some kind of custom weapon at most.


It wouldn't change anyone's class but prevent you from adding say another AK or Shotgun to your class or something along those lines. I wouldn't touch any classes that have AK's / Machine guns / ect. That's for you to keep. You guys complain there is no RP but lets be real, this game is 50% raiding, 20% cops vs raiders and 20% messing around by either building or being a hobo or something else that isn't related to raiding. Just take a second and think on any other server you have played on. Did you REALLY rp, did you REALLY not raid people, did you REALLY have something interesting to bring to the server?


so for the custom class our barrets, pdws and other guns would be removed? if so thats stupid cause i paid for those guns, not for pistols.




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People RDM easily on our server because guns are easy to obtain. Guns are easy to obtain because custom classes exists. If guns were hard to obtain it would be insanely unfair to anyone else. The only thing I can think of is to make it so custom classes spawn with 0 ammo and they spawn with 1 health or something. That way, you need to either buy health or heal yourself + buy ammo for your gun. Maybe I can strip ammo from everyone and have a few dedicated places to buy ammo like a gun dealer, black market dealer or vending machine.


I think I can do something about giving each job it's own defined purpose rather than just saying "Go for it and do your own thing". Maybe that will bring back some of the desired RP that you want. I could tie in some kind of progression but I don't know how I would do it to make it non intrusive like the EvoCity leveling system which was one of the most hated things known to man kind. Maybe I can make gangs have a level and you can gain XP for your gang by doing various tasks and levels will give you some kind of perks or something.

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how do you create a gang


Still in beta, not set up.


It's not in "beta". It's actually done and 100% feature complete as of right now. I will add a XP system to it and see what I can come up with to expand on it.


The release date is unknown since my one host I purchased the VPS from is still propagating the VPS's IP so I can actually use it. Everything is being migrated over to SQL instead of SQLite so I can expand features even more.


I was thinking that if I do dish out the money for a Dedicated server, I would only have one month to see if it can generate enough money to keep itself alive. It would be around $350 per month for everything, but I could host more servers on it (for even different games). There are a lot of downsides and a lot of positives into attempting this but I will hold off until I figure something out. For one, people would have to connect to a new IP for the server which will tank players like an insane motherfucker but last time we switched hosts, we actually saw an increase in players.

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People RDM easily on our server because guns are easy to obtain. Guns are easy to obtain because custom classes exists. If guns were hard to obtain it would be insanely unfair to anyone else. The only thing I can think of is to make it so custom classes spawn with 0 ammo and they spawn with 1 health or something. That way, you need to either buy health or heal yourself + buy ammo for your gun. Maybe I can strip ammo from everyone and have a few dedicated places to buy ammo like a gun dealer, black market dealer or vending machine.


I think I can do something about giving each job it's own defined purpose rather than just saying "Go for it and do your own thing". Maybe that will bring back some of the desired RP that you want. I could tie in some kind of progression but I don't know how I would do it to make it non intrusive like the EvoCity leveling system which was one of the most hated things known to man kind. Maybe I can make gangs have a level and you can gain XP for your gang by doing various tasks and levels will give you some kind of perks or something.


How are guns easy to obtain because of custom classes when we cant drop guns? And a ammo vender would be nice without the intention of stripping our ammo -_-. I kinda like the job idea but make it so it has a dedicated use and can do their own thing.

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