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Need clarification on cuffing players

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Can CP cuff players with bounties/fines/breaking laws and drag them to the PD to pay their fine/bounty?


If the mayor makes this a law, is it allowed?


The rules are kind of vague on this.

Thanks friends.

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2 hours ago, wolf2297 said:

any CP can fine you without dragging you to PD, a bit weird that they dragged u all the way

Police take people in and book them at the police station IRL.

It's just roleplay and this is a roleplay server so it seems like it should be allowed.


I just need clarification from the mods

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3 hours ago, David Davidson said:

Police take people in and book them at the police station IRL.

It's just roleplay and this is a roleplay server so it seems like it should be allowed.


I just need clarification from the mods

This isnt a realistic RP server, if you want to book them use the arrest feature built into the server, otherwise fine and move on

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, bugman said:

This isnt a realistic RP server, if you want to book them use the arrest feature built into the server, otherwise fine and move on

I understand that but it's still a roleplay server and there isn't any specific or relevant rule against it.


I'm sure there's some sort of monthly admin/moderator meeting where it can be brought up
and it can be decided if the rules need to be updated to include it.

Edited by David Davidson
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43 minutes ago, David Davidson said:

isn't any specific or relevant rule against it.

While there isn't something specifically written down for this sort of scenario there are some vague general rules that do.

DO NOT Minge
DO NOT be a dick, we are all here to have fun and play the game
This obviously comes across as annoying and most people do not want to deal with it. if they do let them voulnteer themselves to be cuffed and dragged.

It is obviously not an intended way to handle this or we would have tools to make it do-able like multiple seats in the jeep or police cars but this isnt a serious rp server for the most part. fine's manage jail time well enough without adding an extra 2-3 minutes of being dragged around as chesmond said. no one wants to deal with it, other users have broken rules to stop it when they have seen it and they got warned. pretty sure bathroom got a verbal to stop doing this aswell.

Edited by Insurance Agent
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you can dragon someone you are about to fine into a secure area thats nearby and if that happens to be pd super awesome rp moment but if ur dragging people across the map and recuffing every time they break out or use unbreakable cuffs probably not ok

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On 6/19/2024 at 6:34 PM, Insurance Agent said:




So the thing is I've been doing it for months and I'm only hearing about how it's an issue now.

If someone tells me to stop dragging them I absolutely will, but it's never happened.

Everyone actually seems to enjoy it, especially when they're pinned to a vehicle.

I've been playing for years and only figured that out a few months ago and it's unique/novel enough

that players laugh.


I actually have never been told not to do this.

I only found out I had been warned for FailRP and had 2 report threads on me on the forums a few days ago

after the fact

Wummbly told me after I called for a sit for an in game issue.


I've attempted to write my warn appeal but the new system where you have to enter everything in their own individual

slots (steam id, etc) is cancer,

and for whatever reason everyone acts like cunts on this forum, it's basically a schadenfreude on ban appeals from player forced

to come here and suggestions about fixing frustrating server issues when they go against the status quo.


Cuffing criminals and bringing them to in to pay their fines is roleplay whether you like it or not.

If it isn't a serious roleplay server then how would cuffing people and dragging them to jail or to your vehicle

then to jail not fall within non serious police roleplay?


You could judge literally anything as minging.

Which is why I'm hearing different things from different mods,


If this is such a huge issue, perhaps it can be brought up at your monthly or bi weekly etc moderator meeting,

and a proper assessment can be made and perhaps the rules can be updated,

instead of just slapping warns on the one player doing it and making them come to the forums to ask for clarification on

non rules and beg for a warn appeal.


Sorrry for the reply in the quote but I apprently can't copy and paste on this forum which is great!


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