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[Proposal] No Mercy Policy


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With the whole Zuthar incident, I would like to bring up two additions: One to the MOTD and one to the Moderator Guidelines. These changes will institute a form of "No Mercy" Punishments for Mass RDM, and may include bans for anyone involved, no matter the roll.


MOTD Change: WILLINGLY AND KNOWINGLY supplying weapons to a Mass RDMer and/or not reporting Mass RDM for any reason (e.g. He's my friend, he's a YouTuber) is a bannable offense with a ban time of 3 days. If you had a shop and sold guns to someone who Mass RDMed and had no prior knowledge of their intentions, that is ok due to the fact you did not know.


Moderator Guidelines Change: Giving any person/persons special treatment when a ban should be the required punishment (e.g. He's a YouTuber, we need a little fun in this server so I'll let him off with a warn) is an offense worthy of a demotion and ban depending on severity of actions.

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No. This could be misconceived and abused.

Ex: I have a surplus of money due to me not having to buy guns and farming alot. I usually give new users guns to get them started. If one of them ends up massing some stoic or mafia mofo could ban me and say I was supplying a rdmer. So maybe edit it?

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Staff Related Rant.



In the situation of a staff member letting his perm (cousin?) alt to avoid his perm ban, the staff was banned for favoritism and not doing his job. Letting a mass RDMer go because of their social status is still favoritism, following this applied logic the moderator who WILLINGLY & KNOWINGLY helps someone do something against the rules is going to get the same punishment of perm.


If they have a problem with it, take it to the forums since we shouldn't need to hear your story on why you did what you did ingame when you clearly just did something following your emotions. Your emotions caused the staff to look like we're push overs because the player has relationship with you. You're here to force players to follow the rules and if you can't force them to follow said rules due to not being able to control YOUR emotions, you're unfit for the position. It's that simple, if you can not put the rules above your emotions when you very clearly are on the staff team to enforce the rules, step down.





User Related Rant:





Once again, if the user were to make the conscious choice to help someone break the rules, they're accessories to the rule broken and should be punished as well. Does not matter if they didn't directly break the rule, they aided the player break rules willingly. Even if staff finds this hard to keep track of, you can generally KNOW if they are helping. [staff if you see the player's potential helper laughing their ass off and hanging around the suspect, you have your target.] My views are a bit "Robotic" but it's what I'm here to do. Punish players who are breaking rules.


 Don't break the rules and you're fine. Don't willingly help a player break rules and you're fine.




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please some demotions need to be thrown out because of this incident, honestly whenever there is a you tube troller that gets on servers I just want to ban them for joining, we should start that if a known trolling you tuber enters the server they should be permanently banned on the spot.

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please some demotions need to be thrown out because of this incident, honestly whenever there is a you tube troller that gets on servers I just want to ban them for joining, we should start that if a known trolling you tuber enters the server they should be permanently banned on the spot.


That sounds like a terrible idea tbh. I've seen many trolls and do trolling a lot on other servers. Even though most trollers break the rules sometimes they don't. I've watched trolling videos where the person is just fooling around doing nothing and proceeds to get banned for being a youtuber. That's absolutely retarded that someone would get banned without even doing anything. While 90% of the time those youtubers will just mass RDM or something like that, they need to be given a chance before being banned.

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