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Happy Pride Month TitsRP


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This year, I want to take a moment to have a moment of silence and honor every single LGBTQ+ life we've lost due to violence and suicide.


I especially want to highlight all the black trans women who've brought the community as a whole closer to personal freedoms, even those as simple as gay marriage, and who have been violently assaulted, abused, and murdered for standing up for their rights. Their lives and their fight was not in vain.


I love you all.


In honor of:


Marsha P. Johnson


Sylvia Rivera



Miss Major Griffin-Gracy


Stormé DeLarverie



Among many, many others.



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11 minutes ago, Ironfish1 said:


I think we've been silenced overall enough. The only silencing here should be to honor the dead. 

Edited by TheRealHex
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14 minutes ago, Ironfish1 said:

It was me attempting to enforce your moment of silence, which you then broke. SMH imagine not being silent during moment of silence. -1

If this is TRULY the case and not sarcasm (I'm pretty open about being autistic and having difficulties with tone-- so the vague, one word reply felt insincere), then I deeply apologize. I just am finding it hard to believe due to some of the things I've personally seen you say relating to the community and thus assumed that a single, one word reply in.. all red lettering.... meant something bad.


I hope you can see where I felt the reply was an attack...


But if this is a reply based on sarcasm and hate, I strongly ask that you please hold some assemblance of maturity, especially as a staff member, and turn the other cheek.


Have a beautiful day.

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Nah it was a genuine "yo be quiet" kinda silence. People dying for a cause whether I agree with it or not is a valiant act and should be respected to some degree in any situation. Whether that respect is out of admiration for them and their cause, or just admiration out of the fact they gave their life for something.

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31 minutes ago, TheRealHex said:

But if this is a reply based on sarcasm and hate, I strongly ask that you please hold some assemblance of maturity, especially as a staff member, and turn the other cheek.

Hex the only thing I'm going to post on this here is number 1, you can't expect everyone to agree with your beliefs. And number 2, he has his right to opinion and has his right to say whatever he feels on it staff member or not. I hold all community members to the same standard. So long as he isn't harassing or saying slurs and merely poking a joke at your post (if that was his intention) then it's fine.


Whoopty-doo it's June.

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9 minutes ago, Succ The Zucc said:

Hex the only thing I'm going to post on this here is number 1, you can't expect everyone to agree with your beliefs. And number 2, he has his right to opinion and has his right to say whatever he feels on it staff member or not. I hold all community members to the same standard. So long as he isn't harassing or saying slurs and merely poking a joke at your post (if that was his intention) then it's fine.


Whoopty-doo it's June.

Notice how his reply was respectful.


Notice how I was being respectful.


Notice how you got upset for no reason...


June is an important month for a lot of people and I did a very, very small post to try and avoid drama (because god forbid anyone mention the fucking gays without it being a problem), while trying to make sure people who do identify as anything other than cishet know that I am on their side, having a moment of silence, a MEMORIAL for deaths. I'm very aware just how much you are all SO bothered by me being prideful that whenever the slightest mention of anything LGBTQ+ comes up in chat, people immediately feel the need to attack it in any way they can.  Even when I'm not the topic of the conversation I'm still brought up unwillingly.


The only thing I wanted to say to Iron, was clarification of tone for MY sake so that I could better reply to him, which again, Iron THANK YOU FOR BEING RESPECTFUL AND CLARIFYING, IF YOU'RE READING THIS! I originally INTERPRETED IT as harassment, which was the issue I wanted to clear so that there are and were no hard feelings. Again, all a matter of basic human respect.


Sincerely hope that IS your only reply and that more shit doesn't get stirred because I dare have an opinion. As much as this shit has brought me down, I sincerely hope you have a good day too, Succ.





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During the month of June, it's a great time to remind ourselves that we are all unique in the ways we think, we act, and behave. Just because someone may have different preferences, appearance, or lifestyle, doesn't mean that it is incorrect or wrong. We should be rather supporting these differences, because those differences are what makes us, us. I also want to say I appreciate the LGBTQ+ community as a whole for their strides and efforts, and you for making this post, Hex. Happy Pride Month errybody!

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