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New CP Class: Robo Cop

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  1. This class should be like Juggernaut class but on steroids. Without having the movement depuffs of the jug class and being slightly faster than the normal cp classes.
  2. It also should have double the health and armor of the jug class.
  3. An ability with like 30 min cooldown to see printers through walls with that is near them.
  4. Can see a player's bounties above their head.
  5. Has a op stun gun that will stun someone for 5 seconds completely if they have a bounty over 10k.
  6. AOE passive that gives nearby cps damage resistance and buffs their damage.
  7. Equipped with jetpack swep
  8. It has a normal pistol that isn't a stun gun that just slows a person when they get hit by it.
  9. Make it a legacy job since its very powerful class
  10. A powerful minigun will do bleed/damage overtime if they get hit by it so many times within a short time.
Edited by 123 (3)
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