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Can we define this please?

ODA Envy

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In this I noticed he was permanently banned for exploiting.

I went to go and check exploiting in the rules and it's not even there.

sugar plz define it in the rules. Only mention of the word Exploit is in reference to the head glitching through crouch bases.


I've honest to god had the same glitch that guy had, the map idfk how, the textures for the entire map were gone, props and doors stayed but the walls and ground were gone, I found them sideways and very small near the PD, which i am guessing was the center of the map. That only happened while I had well over 200 addons installed. Also what got me thinking about this was when people got temp banned for printing and making meth outside of the map, that was also labeled as exploiting and they only got like week bans.

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Edit your thread then: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2055


No, clearly exploiting should be against the rules. Just because sugar left it out does not mean it will not be added.

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It's hard because there are different types of exploits.


Viewing inside of the PD because you're at the top of the skybox is an "exploit" that you can't really fix without editing the map. When there is an exploit like that, it's difficult to ban someone for it because anyone can do it + it's not the BIGGEST deal in the world. You should probably get a warning first followed by a kick and then a ban for that kind of exploit.


Getting to the admin area is a map exploit too. You can't stop it because of the sitting mod. People should be banned for 1 - 2+ weeks for that because they have to forcefully get themselves in there.


The bug the guy had who made the report is unusual. It does happen when clientside code fucks up hard. I can actually reproduce it here:



The thing is, the guy who made the report didn't follow the guidelines + if his game was messed up, his first reaction should of been to relaunch the game. Not to abuse it and announce it to world to say "Lol hey, my game is messed up and I can see through walls, I am definitely not hacking though, pls let this happen". Our staff don't know the insides and out of this game. If I didn't know any better, I would of perma banned that guy because I would of assumed he was hacking. Even today I would still probably do that.


Should they be banned for it? Depends how they did it. If they retry in console and reconnect and don't say a word, you wouldn't even know about it.

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The difference is that the user was using it to their advantage. If you go into the walls to cook method, that's exploiting and you're more likely than not going to get perm for it NOWADAYS. I explained the situation to an admin as well, he understood what I meant by exploiting and delivered the punishment.


The user said and I quote


"This started happening a while ago when I joined a server with really bad admits, they downloaded all sorts of viruses to my computer so now I can see through walls."


In his situation he claims that his game was modified in such a way that he could see through walls on a regular or constant basis. He did not yell "help admin, I can see through walls" he yelled to players "I can see you (through props that were pure black AMD he navigated the base flawlessly for that reason) and I know that player has out, and that you have # of bit coin miners and # of money printers."


He also went on to say "It's not my fault" when he took his situation and abused it. Just as if a user could see the admin calls, he would be in trouble for taking them.

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He knew it wasn't allowed, and he knew that a player shouldn't be able to see through props and walls.


If he knew that and really didn't want a punishment, just like Sugar stated, just reconnect.


But he didn't, he abused it to fuck around with people and pretend like he was hacking. I was in TeamSpeak with them.


The ban was completely valid; regardless of the fact that it wasn't intentional or his fault, he still abused it, therfor EXPLOITING a bug.




This thread is about defining the term exploiting and the punishment for it.


"Exploiting" - Using a function that is not intentionally there to your advantage.


Punishment - Instant ban, moderator's decision depending on the severity.




We should not have to edit the MOTD, as it is common fucking sense.


People know not to abuse something that isn't supposed to happen, and if they do; they know they will be swiftly punished for it.


If we were to provide examples and rules in the MOTD, people would be tempted to do them, test them, or abuse them.


It's best not to talk about it.

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The thing is, the guy who made the report didn't follow the guidelines + if his game was messed up, his first reaction should of been to relaunch the game. Not to abuse it and announce it to world to say "Lol hey, my game is messed up and I can see through walls, I am definitely not hacking though, pls let this happen". Our staff don't know the insides and out of this game. If I didn't know any better, I would of perma banned that guy because I would of assumed he was hacking. Even today I would still probably do that.


Should they be banned for it? Depends how they did it. If they retry in console and reconnect and don't say a word, you wouldn't even know about it.

Wow wow you are making this seem like what it's not or you are explaining when it's not needed, I am NOT saying his ban was not justified or anything.

Literally all I am is requesting something be write in the rules.

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As Hops said, I shouldn't have to define it in the rules. There are a lot of things I shouldn't have to define but pray to god that the player knows right from wrong.


I am waiting for the day that some player comes on with a script, gets banned by the anti-cheat and then makes an appeal saying "it never said I couldn't hack in the rules, I would like 1 unban pls"


There may be some fuzzy parts around some different types of exploits. The only one I can really think of is the map glitch, which is more of a glitch and not an exploit which may need a little bit of explaining but it seems that you guys already understand that it's something you can't possibly enforce / fix. Unless the player is legit sitting there, looking through the hole for like 1 minute straight, I would assume they would just leave that spot after 5 seconds.


If I put everything in the rules that should be relatively common sense then it just fills the rules page up with a bunch of stuff that has no value. I mean, I can put it in there if you really want me to. I just don't think it would change anything.


I don't think there would ever be a player that says to themselves "Hmm, I wonder if this server allows me to exploit...oh nope, says I can't exploit in the rules. I shall follow them!"

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As Hops said, I shouldn't have to define it in the rules. There are a lot of things I shouldn't have to define but pray to god that the player knows right from wrong.


I am waiting for the day that some player comes on with a script, gets banned by the anti-cheat and then makes an appeal saying "it never said I couldn't hack in the rules, I would like 1 unban pls"


Very true very true, I forget some people have common sense because of the servers I play on now. I'll make that day happen also lol.


On the topic of hacking, if any of you remember the post on BR0TH3R trying to give me a steam account, he got a VAC Ban about a month ago :P

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