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Civil Protection Time Requirement


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I believe that Civil Protection jobs should require a time limit of some sort, whether it be an hour or five hours spent in the server. These are some of the most egregiously abused jobs on the server by new people looking to RDA/RDM. I believe that adding a timer to these jobs would cut down on people looking to use these jobs to abuse them. 

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oddly enough this suggestion was turned down in last staff meeting but personally im +1  they are going to just be annoying some other way but i hate dealing with RDA sits more than RDM

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I've heard arguments for both sides. but I ultimately want this added or at least tried. as a staff A LOT of sits are just people abusing the job or massing, while i agree it wont help stop massers cuz other jobs like bounty hunter and hitman have guns. it should help with people just running around cuffing everyone and stun gunning everyone ruining everyone's experience. 

personally I would prefer a level requirement so someone cant just afk the timer and has to actually play.

also I think if this is added. maybe add a popup for the cop job rules every time someone tries to become a cop job when they don't meet the requirements. 

Edited by The Horse
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Guest CaptainT

Massive +, I know this isn’t a serious rp server but majority of new players that come on specifically use cop classes to MRDM.

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As a Professional MDMer I couldn't agree more with you. Seeing amateurs completely miss the point of the Art that is MRDMing and just kill everyone as swat chief is honestly disgusting and pathetic to me. I'd also like to add that a requirement of an hour played on the server would be the best way to prevent that . +1 for this suggestion.  - Yahya Abd Al Tawwab Ibn Muhammad El Amin. 



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Not sure why staff would've voted against this to even start with. Yes, putting time limits on jobs sucks, but at the same time, there are a LARGE array of jobs that people can hop on and have fun with outside of PD roles, and it won't even block all of them. We could have 7 staff on and very few tickets will be taken because of either staff just not bothering with rdm tickets or because the system is apparently fucking broken (make a sit and wait 10 mins only to hear that apparently not one person saw it. Either staff lies or the system is bugged which is a huge problem in itself).


Regardless of the previous issue, there are literally fucking dozens of jobs for new players to choose from and like some people said before, randoms will come on just to hope on some random PD job and rdm anyone they can in town square. Not only is it a huge inconvenience for people actually playing their roles, having fun with fucking around or doing whatever else, I also imagine it's a huge fucking pain in the ass for the staff who actually give two damns about the server and are busting their ass taking sits on these goobers trying to troll via murder. I know this is obviously NOT a roleplay heavy server, but people still like to play roles without being interrupted because of some trigger happy 14 year old who has nothing better to do.


There should probably be more jobs added to this restriction list, as restricting weapon heavy classes like Juggernaut, Gabe, hell, maybe even Bounty Hunter because people are constantly using that class to rdm more than people on Hitman classes do. 


TitsRP has one of the widest f4 job menus I have ever seen, and I won't even lie, that's why I stayed originally. To have a server with a job list as vast as this server is one that is going to attract many different people who like playing those roles. It's going to keep attracting players, so lets all do TitsRP, staff, and players a favor and give this post a huge +1

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Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?

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