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Fortnite Battle Pass


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I feel like we are at the point where most people who want to do the bp already have finished, or almost finished it, and some have done it multiple times on alts or friends accounts. As someone who has completed it twice on accounts with all rep xp buffs and halfway done doing it with no xp buffs I can say there is definitely some things that could be worked on. 

My first idea I had day one of the battle pass which is, you should be able to do all steps of the battle pass at once, and once you are done you get one step of progress, instead of each tier having its own objective. For many people complaining about salmon and mako quests, I feel that having them all progressable at once (if you catch mako then salmon you dont get ass fucked) would make it much less painful. For the xp/level steps of the quest you could have them in stages where there is "get xp 1-9" and each step unlocks as you do the previous one. 

My second thought is that double xp is much less valuable if you have no rep xp buffs. On my main account with max xp buffs double xp cap gives me a cap of 1400 xp which is a lot nicer than the default which is I believe 1k with double pooled xp. (bring bag infinite pooled xp it was so much more worth it, or make double pooled XP be 2k pooled XP for every player regardless of rep)

Third, I believe adding the ability to change the color of the chat tags you get would be nice, either unlocking them by getting multiple of the tags similar to the god tag, or by just adding a color slider like you have for CCs.

Last I thought of a way to deal with rarity of items in the crates. Previously during events there would be a raffle based on XP gained that had 1-2 pets in it that were 1/1 or 1/2. To emulate this you could add items to the crates (tags, pets or accessories) that when unboxed are removed from the loot pool making there still be rare 1/1 or 1/2 items that integrate into the new system.

Edited by bugman
double poop xp
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16 minutes ago, bugman said:

My second thought is that double xp is much less valuable if you have no rep xp buffs. On my main account with max xp buffs double xp cap gives me a cap of 1400 xp which is a lot nicer than the default which is I believe 1k with double pooled xp. (bring bag infinite pooled xp it was so much more worth it)

i think u r bugged cuz iirc u have 300 rep so ur xp pool is 900 and double pooled should give 1800, as 1400 is the default double pooled for users with 700xp pool

Edited by Tene
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28 minutes ago, bugman said:

Last I thought of a way to deal with rarity of items in the crates. Previously during events there would be a raffle based on XP gained that had 1-2 pets in it that were 1/1 or 1/2. To emulate this you could add items to the crates (tags, pets or accessories) that when unboxed are removed from the loot pool making there still be rare 1/1 or 1/2 items that integrate into the new system.

This would require an exponential amount of effort considering if 70+ people complete the battlepass that would mean making a lot of pets to ensure everyone is getting their titsrp nft



My first idea I had day one of the battle pass which is, you should be able to do all steps of the battle pass at once, and once you are done you get one step of progress, instead of each tier having its own objective. For many people complaining about salmon and mako quests, I feel that having them all progressable at once (if you catch mako then salmon you dont get ass fucked) would make it much less painful. For the xp/level steps of the quest you could have them in stages where there is "get xp 1-9" and each step unlocks as you do the previous one. 

I don't understand why you would want this. It seems confusing to complete level 38 randomly because you got a specific fish when you haven't reached level 10 yet. This would also require a large rework into how the system works internally. You completed the BP twice within 11 days of it being released, why do you want it even easier to complete and degrade the value of your awesome titsrp nfts?



Third, I believe adding the ability to change the color of the chat tags you get would be nice, either unlocking them by getting multiple of the tags similar to the god tag, or by just adding a color slider like you have for CCs.

It is possible to add changing colors but maybe it would be more fun to unlock chat tag colors you can apply 😛

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3 minutes ago, KDawg said:

This would require an exponential amount of effort considering if 70+ people complete the battlepass that would mean making a lot of pets to ensure everyone is getting their titsrp nft

No I mean only have 1 or 2 pets per crate that is limited number and keep the other pets normal like they currently are, not EVERYONE getting one

3 minutes ago, KDawg said:

I don't understand why you would want this. It seems confusing to complete level 38 randomly because you got a specific fish when you haven't reached level 10 yet. This would also require a large rework into how the system works internally. You completed the BP twice within 11 days of it being released, why do you want it even easier to complete and degrade the value of your awesome titsrp nfts?

I mean each task you do just gives one tier, so each task isn't for a specific tier. I mean if you have 5 dragon eggs to give right as you start the BP you can give 5 dragon eggs and you go from tier 1 to 2, instead of unlocking the loot from tier 50. 


5 minutes ago, KDawg said:

It is possible to add changing colors but maybe it would be more fun to unlock chat tag colors you can apply 😛

I also agree unlocking is cooler

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I’ve seen a lot of people making comments about being able to complete the battle pass faster, and usually it’s the people who completed it within like two weeks if not just a few days. I think people are forgetting that casual players who will  play for a couple hours here and there will actually complete it within the month, just a lot closer to the end. And people who grinded the pass insanely hard that played for 3 to 6+ hours a day to get it done are obviously going to do it fast.  So why do you want the battle pass to be easier to complete when you still have like three weeks left in it? What’s the rush 

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10 minutes ago, EpicWafflehouse said:

I’ve seen a lot of people making comments about being able to complete the battle pass faster, and usually it’s the people who completed it within like two weeks if not just a few days. I think people are forgetting that casual players who will  play for a couple hours here and there will actually complete it within the month, just a lot closer to the end. And people who grinded the pass insanely hard that played for 3 to 6+ hours a day to get it done are obviously going to do it fast.  So why do you want the battle pass to be easier to complete when you still have like three weeks left in it? What’s the rush 

Because the point youre not getting is that I dont want it to be "easier" I want it to not be frustrating. Any new player who may have grinded up to the salmon step will quit once they have fished 300 times and still not gotten progress for the ONE STEP. Having the progress spread out and letting you take a break will make it much more enjoyable as if you fish 300 times and dont get the salmon, you can just go do printers, or XP, or quests.

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18 minutes ago, bugman said:

I want it to not be frustrating

So my follow-up question would be is it frustrating because it’s taking too long? or is it frustrating because it’s not happening quickly.  I can definitely see the point of a new player to the server having to fish for 300+ fish trying to finish one task getting  discouraged and giving up. but given that there is a month to complete the battle pass wouldn’t they be able to take some breaks try again another day to get that quest done and not sit there for eight hours just trying one task. I know some people myself included had some really bad RNG That quest but plenty of people got it done in under like 10 minutes. It’s not like when the battle pass is  out it is the sole focus that the players need to be focused on it’s just something that’s there if they want to complete it

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On 11/11/2022 at 4:31 PM, EpicWafflehouse said:

So my follow-up question would be is it frustrating because it’s taking too long? or is it frustrating because it’s not happening quickly.  I can definitely see the point of a new player to the server having to fish for 300+ fish trying to finish one task getting  discouraged and giving up. but given that there is a month to complete the battle pass wouldn’t they be able to take some breaks try again another day to get that quest done and not sit there for eight hours just trying one task. I know some people myself included had some really bad RNG That quest but plenty of people got it done in under like 10 minutes. It’s not like when the battle pass is  out it is the sole focus that the players need to be focused on it’s just something that’s there if they want to complete it

I think the problem is more-so how when you get stuck on tasks like Alaskan salmon, you start to feel a lack of progression in what you’re doing.


When you do other tasks, take light quest completion for example, these are also sometimes hard to accomplish and they take far longer than most tasks since there’s a cooldown between quests. This task, however, gives you progression and while something like 11 lightning quests takes a long time, it’s not frustrating. You complete the quest, then you wait and have time to do other things if you wish.


With fishing for a specific rare fish, you don’t have any form of progression. You either get it or you don’t. Some will get it within 20 fish, some 2000. This makes fishing a chore to do and starts to feel hopeless the longer you have to do it. You also cannot really do anything while you’re fishing without pausing the fishing, making it take even longer if you take a break. If you do decide to take a break as well, it feels like all the time you’ve spent fishing for that fish with no success was a complete waste of time.


This as a form of a quest isn’t bad. In questing, you aren’t forced to complete 1 quest to unlock others. As well as this, you may reroll your quests every few days. If I got a quest that was “catch 1 Alaskan salmon” and didn’t want to do it, I could just simply not do it. I forgo some rewards, but it doesn’t completely halt my questing and I can resume it later. This isn’t the case for the pass if I wanted to complete it.

I don’t think the problem here is the length with speed runners of the pass. I actually think this pass should have been longer in general, most tasks were able to be completed extremely quickly. The problem with Alaskan salmon is the lack of progression. I think for a future pass, making these style of tasks instead catch  many more common fish would be better. Just as an example, “catch 200 ayu.” This task may take a long time, but as soon as you’ve caught one ayu you’ve made progress on your pass. This allows you more opportunities to take breaks without a sense of wasting time, and eliminates a lot of draining rng from fishing for your pass. 

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1 hour ago, ZeMailMan said:

I think the problem is more-so how when you get stuck on tasks like Alaskan salmon, you start to feel a lack of progression in what you’re doing.


When you do other tasks, take light quest completion for example, these are also sometimes hard to accomplish and they take far longer than most tasks since there’s a cooldown between quests. This task, however, gives you progression and while something like 11 lightning quests takes a long time, it’s not frustrating. You complete the quest, then you wait and have time to do other things if you wish.

This was really the main point I was getting at when I said you should be able to do every step at any point instead of having to do them one at a time. If you cant progress salmon then just go do another task for an hour and come back when you have warmed back up to it. In general I liked the battle pass, the progression it provided, and the excuse it made for me to grind out XP and other stuff on the server, but if I got stuck on alaskan salmon and mako anywhere near as long as other players I likely wouldn't have even finished it yet out of frustration.

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