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Forum Ranks


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Forum ranks will make defining who is who and their position on this server easier and fun for everyone. Here's what I'm thinking:


User/Member (White): The core of our server. They can browse the forums, make threads, reply to other threads and post applications.


Moderator (Purple): The sort of "enlisted rank" of our Staff Team. They keep the server/forums in check. They can soft delete posts, rate moderator applications and ban/warn forum users.


Admin (Green): The "Officer" rank of our staff team. They use their experience to guide the Moderators and also keep the server/forums straight. They can close discussions, reports, soft delete posts, and request denial or acceptance of applications.


Head Admin (Yellow): The 2nd in command, these guys call the shots when Superadmins are not online. They can permanently delete posts, deny/accept applications, set forum rank, and pretty much anything the Superadmins do.


Retired Staff (Blue): These folks are old staff who willingly gave up their rank and still play to help the staff team if needed. They can rate moderator applications and view Moderator Only section.


So you can hate it if you want, I just had an idea and I wanted to share it. It's a lot of work to maintain the ranks, but I thought it was a decent idea.

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I think the colors should be what the tags are in game. And former staff should be, green I guess.

Also (not important really, just a tag), VIPs could be yellow.


EDIT: Sugar's rank should have no permissions whatsoever, trust me it's a good idea.

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Oh yeah just wanted to make an edit to the way that you said that admins can accept mod apps. Nope, we can't add people to groups in game so doesn't make sense that we would be able to accept mod apps haha. But accepting reports and ban appeals is good :)

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Most of this is already done and for the most part purples (staff) could do w/e they wanted (in 100% theory, it's like they could write "accepted" or "declined" and close the thread, I just never really have them the go ahead and they would be PUNISHED)


I think a different color for admins + more permissions in needed. It would make my life easier and what not. Maybe I will make it so admins can promote people to trial mod which means they can accept and decline mod apps. Although, I don't know who else is an admin besides Ghostly and Blacnova. Prodigy I guess? But he doesn't even play. So maybe that will be let off the list for now.


Accepting or declining appeal is fine. Maybe I can set something up so every day it uploads console logs to a server where admins can look at it if needed.


Head Admins will be able to accept and decline mod apps + promote people most likely tonight.


You just wanna be blue because you STINK. I don't really know if there is a point to making another group that will only ever have one member in it. Maybe a respected group? I don't think I would allow you to view the mod / admin section though.

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Most of this is already done and for the most part purples (staff) could do w/e they wanted (in 100% theory, it's like they could write "accepted" or "declined" and close the thread, I just never really have them the go ahead and they would be PUNISHED)


I think a different color for admins + more permissions in needed. It would make my life easier and what not. Maybe I will make it so admins can promote people to trial mod which means they can accept and decline mod apps. Although, I don't know who else is an admin besides Ghostly and Blacnova. Prodigy I guess? But he doesn't even play. So maybe that will be let off the list for now.


Accepting or declining appeal is fine. Maybe I can set something up so every day it uploads console logs to a server where admins can look at it if needed.


Head Admins will be able to accept and decline mod apps + promote people most likely tonight.


You just wanna be blue because you STINK. I don't really know if there is a point to making another group that will only ever have one member in it. Maybe a respected group? I don't think I would allow you to view the mod / admin section though.


Mickey Moosee, Musical, Ghostly, Boogs, Taj, and Blacnova.

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