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Payphone is near useless for Hitmen imo and is missing something


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Most players on the server are on a cc at all times which makes it very difficult to actually get a hit from the payphone since payphone hits go to someone random each time.  There should be an interactable object (a computer or a board or something) that hitmen can go to collect hits from the payphone.  Make it so it gives you a random hit every time you interact with it to avoid player targeting. Also, please make it so you can cancel hits or make it so you can't get a hit on an already dead person. Otherwise, you have to rejoin or kill bind and lose items.


Edited by Getter
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But seriously. I'd rather there be a way for there to be a choice in who gets sent the hit. Like for instance if you're on and I want to make the hit on Rubik I don't want you to be the guy to get it. I want it to be with someone who can actually kill somebody....like GoatNuts or SexyBatman.


Make it where the hitmen can also set their own rate for hits up to 1 mil. And make it so they have to manually put themselves into the system every time they switch to their job so that they can actually choose whether or not to be into the system. 

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51 minutes ago, Succ The Zucc said:

 I'd rather there be a way for there to be a choice in who gets sent the hit.

There is already a way to choose who gets the hit, just walk up to them and place a hit.

Edited by Getter
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22 minutes ago, Getter said:

There is already a way to choose who gets the hit, just walk up to them and place a hit.

That's true but I also wish you had an option to select your preferred hitman while using the payphone. Going to a payphone is a lot easier than guessing where the hitman is currently at.

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preferred hitman while using payphone (extra 2k so total is 10k cost), money is only lost if hit is accepted (change it so payphones REQUEST hits instead of forcefully assigning you one)

also you should be able to call hits as a hitman job as you can place hits with E as a hitman job anyways so I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to do it via hitphone, maybe a technical/targetting reason but to fix that make it so the only thing that is blocked on the menu is calling a hit with YOURSELF as either preferred target or preferred hitman (so you cant call a hit on Getter and select yourself to take it, you are blocked from accepting hits you request)

Edited by Tene
forgot what suggestion was
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