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Workshop SWEPs for CCs?

Cock God

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SWEPs that are already in the game can be changed and or reskinned
Master Sword/Ziggs

Master Sword is your basic jump SWEP everyone reskins
Ziggs which is two throwable nades and a bigger jump swep but longer cooldown.

Get any weapon model from workshop and once purchased DM Rubik what it's supposed to be and he'll be able to make it happen!
Remember every 7MB is $30
If the model was updated during or past 2020 It will have a more accurate pricing.

Edited by FuzedArtz
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On 3/22/2022 at 11:42 AM, THE J said:

I'm planning on purchasing a CC, and I'm aware that you can get workshop player models for your CC, but can you get SWEPs from the workshop for a CC?

Yeah you can add sweps to your custom class but they will need to be added / cleared by myself or Sugar first. Shoot me a DM on Discord of what you'd like to add & I'll let you know if it can be added or what we need to change / tweak to make it work. Generally anything that does not provide a PVP advantage & is not extremely obnoxious or lowers player's framerates can be added to the server. 


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