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make retrieve the package event a real event and add event rules that explain stuff

ie: NLR in pd bank is allowed, but you must pd raid first
the vip can kill everyone (i was told a few years ago the vip is allowed to shoot anyone he feels threatened by - so not even shot at, allowing them to just mrdm.. might be wrong)
anyone holding the package is kosable
etc etc, clarification on the rules for events, and also adding the retrieve the package event to a main event, instead of it being isolated in practice for even more years than it already has been

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Bro the rules for all events need to be laid out and explained. Same with terrorist attacks. A lot of people don't know NLR isn't a thing in a lot of these instances. I think a retrieve a package would be sick for gang wars. Kinda like GTA where you have to drive shit around and people gun for you to disrupt shipments

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15 hours ago, EpicWafflehouse said:

Sounds like it could be fun, but at the same time all I could picture is people with the jet packs grabbing the package and just flying away at maximum speed and the event is over

shoot the user once and their jetpack disables, they have to throw the parcel and re-catch it anyways, and you can camp the teletubby that you have to deliver the package to if u really want

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