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Gru - Baby Thrower

Lil' Pudin' Taters

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Gru's baby thrower has a small chance to kidnap for a very short amount of time, roughly 5 seconds. However, this timer is completely overridden if Gru or another player manages to get the kidnapped body on a Sacrifice Pentagram (Satan's Offering) within' the time limit thus killing the kidnap victim. The cultist and priest can spawn the pentagram, but Gru can't himself. Don't think this was ever supposed to work this way and is exploitable.

How to reproduce:

Using Gru's baby throwing to kidnap people, using a bludgeon to move the body onto a pentagram all within' 5 seconds.
Edited by Lil' Pudin' Taters
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Had this happen to me earlier and thought that wasn't how its supposed to work. Like Raccoons said it is probably low priority cause there are more severe bugs/exploits but you are correct it still seems to be a problem.

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To me, it doesnt seem imbalanced at all. Its extremely random, you need at least 2 players to even attempt to execute it, they get knocked out for 3 seconds, not 5, and it is kidnapping so the same rules apply which means it KOS to everyone, main difference being if the player that got knocked out gets up, they can not kill Gru or it is FailRP. I needed a full party, all hands on deck to do this somewhat efficiently and we still failed a decent bit. Like Orch said, get off your CC every once in a while and try some new jobs, its pretty fun. Its simply teaming up with another job, nothing more nothing less.

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this shit is so fucking funny cause people would be cultist and someone would stand over their cultist spawner thing and youd just throw a baby and the cultist would be so confused.

also this literally serves no purpose whatsoever so i see no reason for this to even be closely considered medium priority.

tbh i see no reason even posting this as a bug/exploit  as the person literally has to be STANDING on top of the spawner for it to even work

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@QuasI never said anything about an imbalance issue. This is a bug report for the reason that this doesn't seem like an intended result of this effect that Gru has.

54 minutes ago, Quas said:

 if the player that got knocked out gets up, they can not kill Gru or it is FailRP.

This is true, however you intentionally give them every possible reason to retaliate. I watched you several times today and several days before pickup a kidnap body from the baby thrower effect, throw the body as high as you could into the air with a bludgeon so that when the player returns to their normal form midair, they take fall damage upon being thrown. I don't know if you want them to retaliate, but it sure seems like you do for some reason. Regardless, this isn't what this BUG report is about. This is just to show that you have all intention to abuse and exploit every aspect of the Gru job.

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19 minutes ago, Lil' Pudin' Taters said:

@QuasI never said anything about an imbalance issue. This is a bug report for the reason that this doesn't seem like an intended result of this effect that Gru has.

This is true, however you intentionally give them every possible reason to retaliate. I watched you several times today and several days before pickup a kidnap body from the baby thrower effect, throw the body as high as you could into the air with a bludgeon so that when the player returns to their normal form midair, they take fall damage upon being thrown. I don't know if you want them to retaliate, but it sure seems like you do for some reason. Regardless, this isn't what this BUG report is about. This is just to show that you have all intention to abuse and exploit every aspect of the Gru job.

You are a liar. I threw them in the air, not one of them took fall damage. I simply threw them because its funny watching a ragdoll fly through the air.

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36 minutes ago, Lil' Pudin' Taters said:

they take fall damage upon being thrown

I find fall damage like this pretty buggy. Sometimes you could throw a disguised person in the air and if they came undisguised sometimes they wouldn't take fall damage.
Also iirc, throwing kidnapped bodies off of a roof leads to them taking no fall damage.

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