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Custom Model/Swep Option on Store


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allow users to purchase custom models/sweps on the titsrp website

the user would insert a link of the model/swep they want to add, and the price would be based off of the addon size 

maybe the website could check the addon page for the size of the addon so it could calculate the price

i think this could make the process of adding custom content in general as it's more simple for a user to just go on the website instead of waiting for a superadmin to respond to them

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i can see this as being extremely helpful, but i also see a few issues with this

1. most of the time Rubik will compress the addon you want for you so it is not however much more money. this is cool and all but compression can do wacky things so it is impossible to know if itll work out until Rubik actually does it. so for models above the limit that could be compressed, someone like Rubik would have to step in and say, "hey you paid more than you had to for this item because i can compress it without it losing any of its appearance!" then you have them possibly wanting a refund or another swep added which would be a headache i would assume.

2. it would have to check the server for sweps/models that are already added. this might not be that hard to do, but I think the big issue would be if two people want to buy the same swep/model at the same time. they would have to find a way to figure out what has been added and what has been bought and is pending to be added.

3. content that shouldnt be added to the server is rarely an issue because Rubik is able to check the model/swep for NSFW/other content that isn't appropriate. someone could easily punch in a model that has big floppy naked moving tiddies and no one would be the wiser until someone sees it in game. this would mean that Rubik or someone else would have to manually skim thru every entry to find NSFW/other content and catch it. then he would have to offer a refund, a swap, or something else.

4. i dont think it would be an easy task to make something that auto adds content to the server, but i dont know as im not a developer.


if there is a way to overcome these flaws i see, or if they aren't even flaws and im just overthinking, this would be an amazing addition to the server.


also there already is something like this lmao. rubik had sent me it when i had issues with paypal and needed to pay another way. it is a very choppy looking website that has some text boxes like "Name of Player Purchasing" "Workshop link"

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1 hour ago, Tuss said:

i can see this as being extremely helpful, but i also see a few issues with this

1. most of the time Rubik will compress the addon you want for you so it is not however much more money. this is cool and all but compression can do wacky things so it is impossible to know if itll work out until Rubik actually does it. so for models above the limit that could be compressed, someone like Rubik would have to step in and say, "hey you paid more than you had to for this item because i can compress it without it losing any of its appearance!" then you have them possibly wanting a refund or another swep added which would be a headache i would assume.

2. it would have to check the server for sweps/models that are already added. this might not be that hard to do, but I think the big issue would be if two people want to buy the same swep/model at the same time. they would have to find a way to figure out what has been added and what has been bought and is pending to be added.

3. content that shouldnt be added to the server is rarely an issue because Rubik is able to check the model/swep for NSFW/other content that isn't appropriate. someone could easily punch in a model that has big floppy naked moving tiddies and no one would be the wiser until someone sees it in game. this would mean that Rubik or someone else would have to manually skim thru every entry to find NSFW/other content and catch it. then he would have to offer a refund, a swap, or something else.

4. i dont think it would be an easy task to make something that auto adds content to the server, but i dont know as im not a developer.


if there is a way to overcome these flaws i see, or if they aren't even flaws and im just overthinking, this would be an amazing addition to the server.


also there already is something like this lmao. rubik had sent me it when i had issues with paypal and needed to pay another way. it is a very choppy looking website that has some text boxes like "Name of Player Purchasing" "Workshop link"

1. idk what rubiks deal is like 0.01 mb model he'll compress it because insanity person maybe he can stop going crazy with it
2. there could be just a database of the custom models/sweps on the server and if a addon page matches with one on the server there could be a popup saying that addons on the server and to choose a different addon.
3. maybe an approval system that superadmins can view to decide whether that model is allowed on the server or not, if it isnt they could allow the user to select a different model or offer refund (if that's even an option)

4. im sure the talented coders that own the server will find a way to make it ( they cant use visual studio )

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I just recently had a player model added and had no issues. I think this could make it easier for the admins to sort through requests but that's up to them to decide. They would have to create a new site/section and it might not even help them all that much. As a user it's already really easy to just send over a link in a dm and then send the money via paypal.

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12 hours ago, bone. said:

3. maybe an approval system that superadmins can view to decide whether that model is allowed on the server or not, if it isnt they could allow the user to select a different model or offer refund (if that's even an option)

wouldnt this just defeat the purpose tho? cause then they still have to manually review the automated system

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5 hours ago, Tuss said:

wouldnt this just defeat the purpose tho? cause then they still have to manually review the automated system

true the website should block all woman models from being added

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On 7/18/2021 at 11:16 PM, Tuss said:

i can see this as being extremely helpful, but i also see a few issues with this

1. most of the time Rubik will compress the addon you want for you so it is not however much more money. this is cool and all but compression can do wacky things so it is impossible to know if itll work out until Rubik actually does it. so for models above the limit that could be compressed, someone like Rubik would have to step in and say, "hey you paid more than you had to for this item because i can compress it without it losing any of its appearance!" then you have them possibly wanting a refund or another swep added which would be a headache i would assume.

2. it would have to check the server for sweps/models that are already added. this might not be that hard to do, but I think the big issue would be if two people want to buy the same swep/model at the same time. they would have to find a way to figure out what has been added and what has been bought and is pending to be added.

3. content that shouldnt be added to the server is rarely an issue because Rubik is able to check the model/swep for NSFW/other content that isn't appropriate. someone could easily punch in a model that has big floppy naked moving tiddies and no one would be the wiser until someone sees it in game. this would mean that Rubik or someone else would have to manually skim thru every entry to find NSFW/other content and catch it. then he would have to offer a refund, a swap, or something else.

4. i dont think it would be an easy task to make something that auto adds content to the server, but i dont know as im not a developer.


if there is a way to overcome these flaws i see, or if they aren't even flaws and im just overthinking, this would be an amazing addition to the server.


also there already is something like this lmao. rubik had sent me it when i had issues with paypal and needed to pay another way. it is a very choppy looking website that has some text boxes like "Name of Player Purchasing" "Workshop link"

Tuss really covers all the bases here, but I can think of a few more reasons why this wouldn't work without some serious effort.


1. Some models are just broken. There could be a number of issues with a model, such as shit hitboxes or no hitboxes at all, or weird blood particle issues we've seen in the past. One of the benefits of manually adding each model is that I can keep a timeline of what was added when and this helps a lot in diagnosing / troubleshooting issues / crashes that are caused by a broken model. 


2. I could see people possibly making their own models or modifying model hitboxes to provide an unfair advantage. Manually screening models allows me to do some (albeit not always very much due to time constraints) quality control. 


I've considered moving model requests to a ticket-based system where admins and possibly Smods could review models before they are added but the main issue with this system is the inability for admins to actually upload files to the server or remove files in the event of an issue. Also this goes back to what I said before about the ability to toubleshoot broken models. It's very difficult to figure out what model is causing crashes, especially if we add multiple models per day. 

A ticket based system probably wouldn't be a bad idea and would help a lot with response times. I get a ton of PMs per day and if I ever don't respond it's possible you PM me at a time when I am on mobile and didn't get the notification, or opened Discord to do something else and it marked you as "read" or something. Just keep PMing me! 


As for compression, the reason we do this is to reduce the size of the workshop collection and to speed up load times. A lot of models do not NEED to be larger than 256x256 or so. You literally can't tell a difference on most displays. I've considered adding a optional "HD MODELS" workshop pack which you could subscribe to as well which would provide uncompressed models but once it takes you 35 minutes to login you will quickly understand why we do it 😉


Also, I want to add that a system like bone requested would not solve the issue of needing to wait for the next reset for your models to be added. Whether it's added automatically or by a superadmin, you would still have to wait for a reset to get your models in. 99.5% of the time, when you buy a model, it is in for the next reset at 6am. 

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I think a perfect solution would be a portal like titsrp.com/modelrequest or something where you put in a workshop URL, it calculates the size & determines whether or not it is already on the server. If it's not on the server you get a green light to go ahead and pay right there based on the file size. Once the payment goes through your purchase goes into a "queue" which I can work through daily. This eliminates the need to wait on me to respond to DMs and also provides anyone else with file access to assist in adding models if I'm away or something. The downside to this is your price would be automatically determined by the server & as Tuss mentioned early, sometimes I can get the price down by compressing the materials further. A 2.01mb model should not always cost $60 unless there are like 800 bodygroups or something. The benefit to working with players 1on1 to add models is we can discuss these things before you send us any of your hard-earned bread. 


For anyone interested in adding a model that hasn't gotten a response from me feel free to shoot me a DM tonight! If I haven't responded, send me another ping! If for some reason you can't DM me (my DMs are open to all titsrp server members) you can always get in contact with me via email at [email protected]

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