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Prop Count for RP Builds


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Earlier today I was building a little diner at the building with the drop down shutter. About 30 mins into making it I find myself hitting the prop limit.r2JjHpG.png


As a player that doesn't base very often, I find enjoyment in building detailed little builds like this one. Now, 75 props in my opinion is enough for most things, like bases, or simple rp bases. But this suggestion isn't about increasing the prop limit. My suggestion is to either give trusted players (such as members with the respected rank) or make it so players would have to apply for a higher prop limit exclusively for builds like this. Even an increase of just 25 props equaling it out to 100 would be sufficient. 


I am open to feedback and criticism, why this would or wouldn't work, or other ideas on how this could be implemented.


If you have any questions or want to talk with me about this, you can contact me on discord at Spartan#6314

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38 minutes ago, Abstergo McStubbins said:

I wouldn't do it this way personally. This would be abused to build bases that cannot be raided in any reasonable amount of time.


I propose a "Builder" job who is able to spawn like 120 props rather than 75, but cannot purchase or possess any raidable entities. The code for this already exists in the King job, it would be a really simple and easy thing to port over to another job.

Reason I didn't mention adding a job that would be like this is because, like the build I showed, It was a functioning diner, using the stove you buy with the restaurant owner job. With the job you propose I assume you would only be able to buy stuff like the boombox and the other basic stuff.

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Love this suggestion,  I feel like by allowing people to apply for more props is a good way to go. We could also increase the limit on buying more with Suga Dollars.




Abstergo your suggestion isn't good there are multiple classes that could benefit from it IE gun dealer, cook, weapon enchanter, black market dealer etc etc. Im absolutely for this!


Especially since basing is well... dead.


Raiders already typically have the advantage so it's not going to be much different with 25 props. 

Edited by LeGerbs
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32 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

Raiders already typically have the advantage so it's not going to be much different with 25 props. 

Raiders usually do not have the advantage. It's the baser, due to their ability to use cameras and such to be able to see anywhere, and know the layout of their base, unlike raiders. 



I do support this idea though, and think it would be neat to see something like this implemented and having to apply for it. 

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I don't think only allowing people with respected rank or people allowed to apply is a no go. I understand the problem with not having many props for an RP base but as a suggestion maybe make the business a "dual ownership" in some sorts one person can make the front area while the other makes the back. You can make 2 dupes for each section and give the dupes to them if you wanna make it yourself so it stays consistent.

Now some problems with this:

  • Multiple characters needed to actually complete a really well done business RP base.
  • If someone has to leave you either have to leave that section empty or get someone else to place down the dupe.
  • If you get someone else to place down the dupe you have to give them the dupe first.

All of this talk is not taking into effect people shooting your timebombs or c4 away.


I don't exactly know how much basing will get a buff if props go an increase the biggest buff i can see is the increase of layers for makeshift timebombs that are being punted and more props to be trisha launcher'ed. But makeshift timebombs and c4 all have an aoe of any props inside of that aoe get either deleted or nocolided with whatever one you use. The c4 aoe is very much larger than makeshift timebombs so that raiding tool most likely wouldn't even care about the buffs. Makeshift timebomb depending on how big the base actually is can maybe increase the required makeshift timebombs by like 3-5 timebombs. Trisha launchers technically would only be affected by it taking a lot longer for them to go through all the props but most people have a way to basically have infinite trisha's.


TL:DR IMO the only places this would really make a big change in raids and bases are bigger bases like if you only built the base in the bigger parts of the industrial bases as you could add more layers for makeshift timebombs but c4 wouldn't care about those props. Smaller bases wouldn't really be affected that much as the number of props you have does not directly correlate with how good the base is. A base with 45 props could very much be as good as a base with 75 props in a small enough base.


If this change was to become a thing it would have to be here for at least a trial for lets say a week, time does not have to be a week, and then we re-evaluate how people think of this change and see if it is worth it to keep the change in prop limit.


(If anything in all of this sounds weird I sometimes have trouble with making coherent sentences that all flow together, not because I can't speak english but because I am dumb as fuck)

Edited by Tass
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