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OP Food and Speed Effects

Scooby Doo (2)

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As of today, the raiding/defending experience of the server has declined beyond what was already fairly bad. It seems that some of the server hardcores have discovered food that can bring your health to above 500, as well as food that can make you about a foot tall. Those two things mixed with speed increasing consumables has rendered defense and raiding the people that have these items near impossible. They rush in, almost impossible to see, and spam an SBC cannon destroying everything. We have tried countering this with Holy Hand Grenades, but they leave you incredibly exposed and hardly ever take effect. They can just run out of the AoE with their double speed.


I suggest that the whole food system be removed/nerfed. Or at the very least, restricted during raids. It was hardly enjoyable to base before, but now it's impossible. Chances of winning are extremely low with the broken consumables that people have acquired. I've already noticed that hardly anyone bases at all, but this will further reduce the amount of people that will participate in basing on a regular basis if this is allowed to persist. 


Please consider nerfing this, at the very least. Thanks.




Food effects provide buffs to health and size that are way too overpowered.

Request: Nerf/remove food or restrict usage during raids


Edit: I do want to point this out because this was already spammed with negative reactions. Majority of the people that have given this negative rep, thus far, are the people that utilize this stuff the most. Just keep that in mind. 🙂

Edited by Scooby Doo (2)
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I do agree people using overpowered items (SBCs and OP food) on bases that arent massive ones with 6-8 people is super scummy and I would +1 this but it wont count because I garuntee this will be -1 stormed by many people who do anything to get a raid of any size done so i might just have to go with Neutral

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Though I believe this is kinda unfair to be used against, I also believe that just nerfing any raiding strategy that has strength for the only reason being it has strength wouldn't get the server anywhere. Maybe improve the holy hand grenade better to help counter this type of raiding strategy, the current holy hand grenade is meant to help counter the current raid strategy anyways, but its effect is very lacking and almost never works properly when in raiding situations.


Also the whole thing about having OP recipes being secret, isn't that a big part of food? You trial and error your way into the best possible food combinations for effect and possibly xp efficiency, keeping it secret just makes sense, you wouldn't want to work for hours upon hours trying to find the best recipes, then just give away the recipe like candy to others.


What would also work is to improve the current explosives like trisha launchers, likely by enchanting them, to improve the damage by a lot, with the hitreg being pretty bad for small targets, explosions would be the only other option other than high spread / high firerate legendaries.

Edited by ZestyBoi
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fyi food was already nerfed to where small food doesnt make you as small as it used to, and theres no food that gives u 500 hp. In fact theres a new meta (not really new) that not many know off. does not involve food, and with this meta each raid costs around 600k- 1 mil. 

Edited by OG BOT Dumbass
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i don't care about rep so ill say this


The way people can run around at mach 2 with 500 health being a foot tall, weather it be food or external factors feels like an exploit, as im sure it isn't the intended purpose of whatever it is that is the current meta.


And yeah sure holy grenades and landmines are an option to counter this but as long as whoever is using this has half a brain they wont be affected by either of those things.


What is not necessarily an unfair nerf to either party would be to make the max movement speed have the same affects of adrenaline when using that sort of food and/or outside meta as OG said, and to decrease the obtainable max HP from food/external meta to 200, as a soul swep can be used to get to this amount of HP, (which that itself is kinda op, but the price balances out I suppose).


French Bulldog Halloween GIF by Rosanna Pansino 





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being able to get 500 hp in general should be considered an exploit to be fair, if you mix that with a gun jam you pretty much can't be killed when mixed with small food / the huge speed increase.

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